New study finally proves that age is just a number


Do you hesitate when someone asks you how old you are? You’re not alone.

Turns out more than half of Canadian women do as well, and it’s not because we’re getting old and can’t remember. According to a recent study by Olay, 59 per cent of Canadian women feel younger than their true age. Of the 6,800 women surveyed across the globe, 90 per cent felt that age was becoming less and less relevant.

“We’re living in an era when scientific advances are helping women enjoy longer, healthier, more active lives, and are bringing the ability to look ageless within reach,” said the press release for the study. “As a result, Canadian women no longer feel defined by their chronological age.”

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Instead, women have begun to look at the way they think, act and feel as an indicator of age. Many believe age is less relevant now than it was for their mothers and 79 per cent claim they feel more confident than they did 10 years ago. That said, women also have a lot more technology and innovative products at their disposal to help erase any signs of aging.

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This study comes in wake of new research the company has been conducting through an extensive genomic and skin aging study, which analyzed “20,000 unique genes from more than 300 women of four ethnicities, across six decades of life.”

“This ground-breaking work will continue to drive innovation for years to come,” says Dr. Frauke Neuser, Principal Olay Scientist, “and opens the door to developing skincare products that can address different genetic aging patterns.”

So while we may be looking and feeling our youngest, it’s nice to know that science is working on making sure we stay that way.