No pink champagne cake? SLO’s Madonna Inn temporarily stops taking bakery orders

Somebody alert Kacey Musgraves: Her favorite dessert from the Madonna Inn isn’t available to order these days — and neither are any of the hotel’s other baked goods.

The iconic San Luis Obispo hotel has temporarily stopped taking bakery orders, a representative confirmed to The Tribune.

That includes the Madonna Inn’s popular pink champagne cake as well as its other bakery offerings, including pies, cupcakes and Danish pastries, marketing manager Amanda Rich told The Tribune.


The reason for the decision wasn’t clear as of Thursday, and Rich declined to share further details on why the hotel was temporarily stopping bakery orders.

“We are not at liberty to discuss the reasons why we aren’t taking any outside orders due to confidentiality,” Rich said. “Although we don’t have a specific date yet to resume outside orders, we can assure you this change is only temporary.”

Rich added that the hotel still has some products available at its bakery counter for purchase.

Those include cake slices, cookies and cupcakes, she said.

Additionally, some bakery items are still available to diners at the hotel’s Copper Cafe and Bakery coffee shop and Alex Madonna’s Gold Rush Steak House, she said.

Madonna Inn cake is a favorite of Kacey Musgraves

A perpetual favorite among visitors, the Madonna Inn’s pink champagne cake got a major shoutout on Musgraves’ new album, “Deeper Well” earlier this year.

The seventh song off the record, “Dinner with Friends,” lists things the popular artist would miss.

Partway through the list?

“The layers and ruffles in my favorite pink champagne cake,” the singer croons.

Seems she’s not going to be alone in missing that for the near future.