Older Adults Are Revealing The "Hard Truths" About Aging That No One Prepared Them For, And As A Millennial, I Was Shocked To Hear Some Of These
Getting older certainly comes with perks, but, unfortunately, it also comes with its own set of challenges that people often don't talk about. Recently, redditor u/sofiagympixie asked the r/AskReddit community to share the truths about aging that no one prepared them for, and older adults sure had a lot to say. Here are some of the challenges they shared.
1."No one prepared me for how much energy and time it takes to maintain everything, like health, relationships, and just staying organized. It's way more work than I expected!"
2."You start to realize the older you get that the end is closer than the beginning, and you still feel like you have so much more to do."
3."How your mind stays young while your body starts to slow down. You still feel like the same person you've always been, but suddenly, you notice little things changing."
4."I'm 61, and sometimes I feel like this world is not for me anymore. I feel almost like an imposter. For example, I can't find clothes I like that fit correctly, TV is abhorrent, only old music sounds pleasant, shoes are uncomfortable, I don't recognize most celebrities or famous people in the news or tabloids, and I don't understand the need for most new and supposedly exciting products. I'm an educated person; I still work and have an active life. I'm not a recluse. But a little at a time, I feel the world is moving on without me. I finally understand why, in her final years, my mother only watched movies from the 1950s and reminisced about the past more than she talked about the present. Her world was long gone."
5."It's not just you who is getting old. Your parents are getting even older."
6."When you get a flashback of a good memory, and you realize that...[CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]