"This Was Considered Normal": 17 Things That Older Adults Did When They Were Younger That Seem Totally Bizarre Today

Everyday life has changed a lot in my lifetime, and I often wonder what things from my daily routine now will surprise younger people in the future. So, when I came across this Reddit thread of older adults sharing once-normal things that now seem kinda bizarre, my interest was piqued. Here's what people had to say:

1."Anytime you answered a phone, you had no idea who was calling you."

Young woman relaxing on a bed while talking on a corded phone, surrounded by photos and notes on the wall. She looks at a photo album in her lap

2."Paper maps. You had to figure out your own route to where you wanted to go, and road trips seemed more of an adventure back then."

Man and woman looking at a map on the hood of a car

3."Rampant sexism. I couldn't even open a bank account when I got married."

A woman with long, straight hair wearing a white blouse and high-waisted pants is writing at a bank counter in a 1960s-style setting

4."Dogs pooping everywhere. NOBODY picked up dog poop. And there were free-roaming pets, especially dogs, which are far rare now except in rural areas. It was common to have one or two neighborhood dogs that everybody knew by name, just wandering around."

A group of people, including one man and two women wearing coats and hats, walk several small dogs on a city sidewalk

5."How utterly unsupervised we were as tiny children. I remember taking care of my brother by myself for the full summer while my parents worked starting at 8; he was 4."

Two children are playing lawn darts together outside on a grassy lawn

6."The Yellow Pages."

I don't know who these people are. A man in a suit and tie holds an open phone book, pointing to a page, while speaking at a podium with microphones. Another man stands behind him

7."Smoking in hospitals and on airplanes."

Keith Moon and Pete Townshend sit in an airplane, with Keith holding a cigarette and wearing a T-shirt, and Pete in a dark coat, both looking at the camera

8."When talking on the phone, you had to stay within a 6' circle."

A woman lies on a bed talking on a rotary phone, with a red stuffed toy by her side, in a room with a lamp and crochet bedspread

9."Always carrying dimes, later quarters, when on a date, in case things went sideways."

A young child in a vintage phone booth holding a phone receiver to their ear, smiling. Signs on the booth mention that no coins are needed to call 911

10."Arriving at the airport shortly before takeoff, checking your luggage with minimal to no hassle, and boarding your flight."

Passengers seated on an airplane look ahead while a flight attendant holds a tray with lobster, a roll, and side dishes in front of them

11."Job listings by gender."

Shirley Jones types on a Hermes typewriter, holding a paper with one hand while resting her chin in the other. A red vase with flowers and desk organizer are beside her

12."As soon as I turned 13, it was assumed by the entire neighborhood that I would babysit. It was common for me to have three kids under the age of seven for hours at a time. This was considered normal for all my friends, too."

A woman sits at a table reading a book while holding a baby on her lap. The table is cluttered with books and papers

13."The milkman. Milk, eggs, cheese, and other dairy-adjacent items were delivered to the house weekly. And the milk and OJ were in glass, returnable bottles."

A milkman in a striped apron and shirt is delivering glass milk bottles to a doorstep in front of a brick building

14."Girls couldn't wear pants in elementary school. Lots of pictures of snow days, and we're wearing knee socks!"

Two children, wearing coats and winter hats, play in the snow. One child sweeps snow with a broom, while the other gathers snow in their hands

15."Elevator attendants. You told them what floor you wanted."

Person stands between two elevators holding groceries. The clock above shows 12:00. Two potted plants are on either side of the elevators

16."Photos were expensive, more rare, and took time to even see how they turned out. You took pictures, dropped your film off (e.g., at a photo booth/stand with a person in a grocery store parking lot or at a film processing shop), then waited for the film to be developed and printed (roughly a week). It cost extra to expedite."

Group of people seated, with an older woman in the foreground taking a photo with a camera

17.And finally, "Putting my oldest child on the floorboards in the car. This was before car seats. She was a newborn, so it was clean; I couldn’t just put her on the seat; otherwise, when I stopped at lights, she’d roll off."

Man holding a baby while standing next to a car in a residential neighborhood