Where the Ontario storm will hit hardest – and when it’s going to stop


If you live in southwestern Ontario, brace yourself: the next few days are going to be snowy, cold and very slippery.

Across the GTA, residents can expect somewhere between 8-15 cm of snow starting this afternoon and into Tuesday morning, says Brett Anderson, a senior meteorologist at AccuWeather. Tonight, the temperatures will dip to -4 C, which is “not terribly cold, but certainly cold enough for the snow to stick on the roads,” said Anderson. By Tuesday evening, it will dip down to -11 C but will feel closer to -20 C with the wind chill.

While that may sound bad, London, Ont. should brace for even harsher conditions. With the snowfall expected today and then the lake effect conditions that will continue on after the storm, the city may see in excess of 30 cm by Wednesday.

See also: Massive change in weather patterns coming to Canada

If you live in Windsor, you’re getting off relatively easy with this storm – between 2-8 cm of snow is predicted for the area.

The lake effect will continue to bring snow to all of southwestern Ontario until Wednesday afternoon and by Wednesday evening all of the precipitation should have passed.

Driving conditions through any of those lake-effect snow bands later on Tuesday and into Wednesday will be treacherous, warns Anderson. “White out conditions and snow fall rates of anywhere between 2-8 cm per hour will make for very dangerous conditions in those areas,” he said.

Watch out, Montreal and Ottawa – as the storm moves eastwards, snow is expected to hit and could be somewhere between 15-20 cm.

“It’s going to be very winter-like, no doubt about it,” said Anderson.