People With Shopping Addictions, What’s Something You Wish Other People Understood About It?
As a self-proclaimed retail aficionado, I totally understand craving the rush of shopping. The little buzz of excitement you get when you receive the order confirmation. The buildup of tracking your package. The joy of opening up your newest buy.

But for some folks, that love of shopping can turn into a full on addiction that can be way more harmful than partaking in the occasional impulse buy.
Maybe you're in extreme debt because you can't stop ordering new clothes and the stress is constantly weighing on you.
Perhaps your shopping addiction has caused strain on your family and friends and put important relationships in jeopardy.
Or maybe you're constantly exhausted because you stay up until the wee hours of the morning scrolling through various shopping apps.
A sleepless man lying in dark bedroom with cellphone in hands and doom scrolling on social media.
So, people with shopping addictions, tell me what you wish other people knew about your condition so we can all understand it a little better.
Use the comments below to tell me what you wish more people knew about your shopping addiction. You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your response may be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!