Prince George and Princess Charlotte Just Proved Meghan Markle's a Liar, Apparently

Prince George and Princess Charlotte Just Proved Meghan Markle's a Liar, Apparently

Among the many headline-making moments and revelations from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Netflix docuseries, Harry & Meghan, was a moment when Meghan recounted her less-than-comfortable first meeting with her now-sister-in-law, Kate Middleton.

According to Meghan, a source of the weirdness seemed to be Meghan's status as self-described "hugger" and Kate's status as a Brit who isn't used to such things/a royal who seemed, based on that encounter, to be just as formal in private as she is in public.

ICYMI/want a refresher on exactly what Meghan had to say about the awkward hangout (per The Sun):

"Even when Will and Kate came over and I met her for the first time, they came over for dinner. I remember I was in ripped jeans and I was barefoot. I’m a hugger I’ve always been a hugger. I didn’t know that could be jarring for a lot of Brits. I guess I started to understand very quickly that the formality out on the outside, carried through on on the inside. That there is a forward facing way of being then you close the door and you go phew, great we can relax now. But that formality continues on both sides and that was surprising to me."

But, JSYK, at least some onlookers/royal experts are here to declare Meghan officially proven wrong when it comes to Brits/royals and hugging because, earlier this week, some British royals were spotted openly hugging each other in public.

On Thursday, Prince George and Princess Charlotte joined their parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, at the the "Together at Christmas" Carol Service at Westminster Abbey. Also in attendance: King Charles, or, as George and Charlotte know him, Grandpa.

When Charles saw George and Charlotte, he greeted them with hugs because, well, that's what most grandparents do when saying hi to their adorable grandkids, regardless of how many strangers are around to witness said hugs. The hugs really did happen (receipts below):

Apparently, some people see this as proof that Meghan is, if not lying about how the royals/Brits in general feels about hugs, then at least dead wrong. Speaking to The Sun about the event and the sweet grandpa/grandkids moment it included, ITV royal editor Chris Ship said, "The senior Royal Family chose tonight to put on a show of unity—and even some public displays of affection between father/son and grandad/grandchildren. (You might even spot one of those hugs that Meghan said Brits find so 'jarring'?) I’m sure it’s all just coincidence."

Not sure if Ship is low-key implying that Charles hugged his grandchildren in public just to prove Meghan wrong about royal hugs, but, either way, it *does* seem possible that Brits/many members of the royal fam could find it "jarring" to be hugged by someone they literally just met *and also* be perfectly comfortable hugging a close relative at holiday function. Like, maybe, right?

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