A Prince William Source Says There's "No Chance" He'll Let Prince Harry to Return to Royal Duties

There's been some speculation about Prince Harry temporarily stepping into his former role as a working royal in the wake of King Charles' cancer diagnosis—but apparently Prince William...isn't here for it. Which isn't a huge shock since an "old school friend" recently went absolutely off on how pissed Wills is with his brother.

Either way, Harry's reportedly told friends he's willing to take on some official duties to help out his dad, but a source tells The Mirror that there's "no chance" William would let Harry back into the fold.

“Whatever has been discussed between William and the King is private, but it is absolutely and categorically clear that he (William) would not allow Harry to return," the source said. "He thought it was a bad idea at the time and he’s even more clear now."

diana, princess of wales statue unveiling at kensington palace
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They somewhat saltily added, "If anyone is going to take on more duties it will be William and that isn’t even on the agenda for now. His main focus is on his father’s health, his family and what is best for the monarchy. There is a zero percent chance Harry is coming back in any capacity.”

Meanwhile, a source "close to Harry" said that he's "ready and willing to help and genuinely believes it would work well for both parties. In his view, it wouldn’t be dissimilar from what was proposed back in 2020, with a hybrid model of working. With the King’s illness there is perhaps more of a reason for those options to be considered.”

Guess we'll...see what happens!

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