Pro Housecleaners Are Sharing Their Go-To Tips For Cleaning Thoroughly In A Hurry, And Several Are Pure Genius

Maintaining a clean home can feel like a losing battle at times because it's a job that's never truly done. However, those who do it full-time have found some great tricks to make some of the most arduous cleaning tasks more manageable. Recently, Reddit user u/Ilikefrogs let us in on some of those secrets by asking people what their best tricks are to thoroughly clean their homes quickly. The responses have tips so good that they might just leave you excited for chores, just for the chance to try them out.

1."Get an air purifier. Having one will cut the amount of dust that falls in a room by 50-90%. Less dust means things will appear to stay clean longer."

Woman relaxing on couch with a Yorkshire Terrier, reading on a digital device. An air purifier is in the foreground

2."Use old newspapers to clean windows/mirrors. Spray the glass, crumble up a sheet of newspaper into a ball, and wipe. No paper towel residue."


3."The best tip to make clean up quick is to clean often. If you always make a point to straighten up at the end of every day, your place will hopefully never become a disaster. Also, pick one day of the week that you'll spend more than a few minutes cleaning up the bathroom/kitchen, and it should never get too overwhelming."


4."If your microwave has a turntable, wash that like any other dish — every few days."

Person wearing rubber gloves cleaning the interior of a microwave with an orange cloth

5."Full hands in, full hands out. Even just picking up one little thing every time you go from room to room will make the mess disappear quickly."


6."Always do your vacuuming last. As you clean each room you'll probably be knocking dust and particles and whatnot onto the floor, so once the room has been dusted and surfaces have been wiped down, you can finish off with a good vacuum."

A woman vacuums her living room, which features a beige sofa, a wooden coffee table, and potted plants


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7."Everything needs a place. It is much easier to keep things tidy when you know where they go. Get rid of the piles of clutter that have nowhere to go, and get rid of as much clutter as you can. Keep it simple. Regularly de-clutter, room by room. Not enough space? Put some things in storage."


8."Keep shower cleansing spray in the shower. At the end of every shower, spray the walls and curtain. This will prevent mold and prolong the life of your shower curtain."


9."Don't overdo your cleaning agent. Often times, it'll take longer to remove the cleaning agent afterwards than it will to clean it in the first place. Soft scrub bleach is one of the worst offenders — only use that in showers/the inside of a toilet, otherwise you're going to spend a lot of time picking up the chalk that's in it."

A hand holds a spray bottle, releasing a mist of liquid into the air inside a home

10."If you hate doing ceiling fans and therefore never clean them, wet down a pillowcase, wring it out, slip it over the blade, clamp down with your hands, and pull it towards you. Repeat for each blade. Clean ceiling fan and it literally takes under a minute."


11."I leave extra bags in the bottom of the bathroom garbage. I can just pull out the old garbage and get rid of it and will always have a fresh bag ready to go. Of course, don't forget to wash the garbage out during a big clean, but this is a tip that's made life a bit easier for me."


12."Take 15 minutes when you get home from work/school/whatever while you are still up and mobile and just pick up something. Anything."

"I'll take 15 minutes when I get home and fold some blankets or laundry, straighten up the living room and consolidate the dishes and whatnot. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish in 15 minutes."


13."Does your microwave look horrible? Fill a microwave-safe bowl halfway with water and lemon juice. Run on high for 5-10 minutes. Let the bowl cool a bit, then remove it. The steam should loosen any caked-on grit. Grab a sponge or cloth and wipe clean."

Microwave with a glass bowl of water and lemon slices on a turntable, set up for cleaning or deodorizing the appliance

14."Scrub down your home's banisters or handrails on the stairs. Folks tend to forget this area, and it can be disgusting."


15."SUGAR SOAP. Cleans walls amazingly. If you smoke inside, it will remove the buildup of grime. If there's a wine stain on your wall it will disappear. If someone has kicked your wall and a black rubber stain is there, sugar soap is the answer."


16."If you're doing a bathroom, fill the sink with hot water and add your cleaning agent of choice. Dip a rag in there, wring it out, and then wipe everything down, with strokes going toward the sink. Pull all the dust/grime into the sink. Once you're done wet wiping everything down, go over it all again with a dry rag."

A gloved hand is scrubbing soapy tiles with a sponge

17."Do things now. It is so much easier to wash a couple of plates, a bowl, a glass, and a fork than it is to pile your entire kitchen into the sink and wait until the mold is growing to do the dishes."


18."For carpet stains, scrub with hot water, put baking soda on the wet area to absorb the moisture, let it sit, and vacuum up the baking soda a bit later."

A hand uses a wooden spoon to apply powder to a stained white shirt, positioned near a washing basin and a small bowl of more powder

19."Mix one part liquid fabric softener to nine parts water in a clean, empty spray bottle. Saves you money on fabric spray. Use it on curtains and soft furniture."


20."As far as cleaning agents go, for a general wipe down, vinegar is best, bleach is second best. Don't mix the two; it's a one or the other choice (unless chlorine gas is your thing)."

A hand wipes a kitchen counter with a cloth. Nearby are lemons, a small bowl, a jar of baking soda, and various containers

21."Two denture cleaning tablets thrown down the toilet twice a week keep it sparkling clean and smelling lovely."


22."On laundry day, do darks first, then colors/delicates, then whites. That way residual bleach doesn't become an issue with colorful clothing."

A stack of folded white clothes is on the left, while a stack of folded colorful clothes is on the right, both on a wooden surface

23."Rags are better than paper towels. They let you dig into the grime more."


24."Keep a scouring sponge and a brush in the shower. Know how the shower gets really comfortable and you never want to leave, or you stand around thinking too much? Use those moments to clean."

"Stand on the sponge and move it around to clean the bottom of the tub while you shower. You'll have to kneel to get the sides of the tub though. The next day, pick a wall and scrub it with the brush while you shower. Keep the five-day rotation going."


25."You carry a box and a bin through your entire house, one room at a time. Anything you find in the room that doesn't belong there, put in the box, anything in the box that belongs in that room, you put away. Any trash goes in the bin. When you hit the end of the house, go back in reverse, putting away what remains in the box."


26."My dog is a shed machine even though he is brushed often. Getting a robot vacuum changed my life and makes it much easier to not have to constantly sweep and vacuum."

A fluffy cat sits on top of a robotic vacuum cleaner in a modern dining room, licking its lips

What are your favorite hacks to make cleaning less grueling? Let us know in the comments below.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.