Q&A: Your Diet Questions—Answered

Q: How can I tell if a cereal is healthy? The high-fiber ones are also high-carb and high-calorie!

A: Look for cereals that have, per serving, no more than 120 calories (without milk) or 8 g sugar, and at least 3 g fiber. Also make sure the first ingredient listed is a whole grain: whole wheat, oats, etc. Most cereals don't have much fat or protein, and the amount of carbs in a bowl of healthy cereal isn't a concern for healthy people (but if you have diabetes, you'll have to stick to the carb limits your doctor or nutritionist has given you). All the major cereal companies have made it a priority to reduce sugar and increase whole grains in their cereals, so there are lots of brands out there that meet my guidelines. Photo by iStock

Q: Milk bothers my stomach and I don't like soy milk. How can I get the calcium I need without taking a supplement?

A: You can still meet your calcium needs (1,000 mg if you're age 50 or younger, 1,200 mg if you're over 50) through your diet. Try lactose-free cow's milk or calcium-fortified almond or rice milk-all deliver the same hit of calcium as regular milk. You can also eat hard cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss and Monterey Jack. They're very low in lactose and usually well-tolerated by people who have trouble digesting other dairy foods. You should also incorporate at least one of these nondairy sources of calcium into your daily menu: leafy greens (especially kale and collard greens), broccoli, edamame, starchy beans (especially white beans), almonds and most brands of tofu.

Indulge in one of these delicious dairy-free desserts.

Q: I'm trying to lose weight but I'm a really picky eater. The only vegetables I like are carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. What can I do?

A: Vegetables are key to weight loss because they're high-fiber but low-calorie, so they'll fill you up and help you eat less overall. The trick is to get creative. You may not like veggies raw or steamed (boring!), but if you try preparing them in some new, tasty ways, I bet I can make a believer out of you.

A few ideas: Add a box of frozen chopped spinach or broccoli (thawed and thoroughly drained) to ground turkey when making burgers or meat loaf. Or stir veggies like grated carrots or zucchini or baby spinach leaves into marinara sauce. And my kale chips are a great low-cal, nutrient-rich snack-even people who claim to hate leafy greens love them. They're easy to make, too: Cut or tear a bunch of fresh kale into pieces, place in a single layer on a baking sheet, mist with oil spray and seasonings, then bake at 400°F for about 10 minutes.

You may also want to try roasting vegetables. Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, winter squashes and eggplant are all delicious roasted. Just cut them into pieces, mist generously with oil spray, and roast at 400°F until soft and browned. The high heat gives produce a delicious, nutty flavor that I promise will win over even the most reluctant veggie eaters.

Check out 50 foods under 100 calories.

JOY BAUER, RD, is the health and nutrition expert for the TODAY show and bestselling author of Joy Bauer's Food Cures. For more info, go to JoyBauer.com.

Original article appeared on WomansDay.com.

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