R.I.P., Paul Reubens: An Ode to His Hilarious 30 Rock Guest Spot — Watch

The world lost an incomparable comedic genius this week as Paul Reubens passed away at the age of 70 after a private battle with cancer. And while we of course first think of his joyfully childlike alter ego Pee-wee Herman, we also fondly remember his pitch-perfect guest spot that helped launch an all-time great sitcom: NBC’s 30 Rock.

Reubens guest-starred in Episode 12 of 30 Rock‘s freshman season, titled “Black Tie,” as Prince Gerhardt, a hopelessly inbred royal from an unnamed country. (You can watch highlights from Reubens’ appearance above.) Riddled with disfigurements due to centuries of inbreeding, Gerhardt was a walking sight gag — albeit one who couldn’t actually walk — and Reubens brought him vividly to life with a goofy smile and random shouts of dialogue. (The baby hand helped a lot, too.)

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Jenna, of course, set her sights on marrying Gerhardt so that she could become a princess, and he laid on the charm by “attempting to wink” (i.e., just blinking furiously) and caressing Jenna’s skin with his baby hand. He couldn’t dance with her because “my body does not produce joint fluid,” but he gleefully clapped along as Jenna danced and twirled for him. Gerhardt had so much fun that he started what sounded like screaming in pain… before adding, “It feels good to laugh.”

Unfortunately, Reubens’ inspired turn was just a one-off: Gerhardt drank a glass of Champagne and promptly dropped dead before Jenna could officially lock him down. (“He cannot metabolize zee grapes!”) But it ranks as one of 30 Rock‘s best guest spots ever… and a pivotal one. 30 Rock got off to a bumpy start, dogged by comparisons to Aaron Sorkin’s similarly themed drama Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. But it began to find its footing midway through its freshman run, and “Black Tie” — and Reubens’ performance — was an early classic, embodying the deranged, surreal sense of humor that would lead 30 Rock to three Emmys for best comedy series and a healthy seven-season run.

So in a small way, we have Reubens to thank for 30 Rock‘s success — which is just another reason why we’ll miss him so much.

Press PLAY above to see Reubens on 30 Rock, and drop your fondest memories of him in a comment below.

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