Remembering the Funeral of The Queen Mother, in Photos

queen mother death
Remembering the Funeral of The Queen MotherMirrorpix - Getty Images

The royal family has boasted some very long-lived members—Prince Philip passed away barely two months before his centenary, Queen Elizabeth lived to be 96, and her mother, the late Queen Mother, was an impressive 101 when she died in 2002. Having seen the country through over a century, including leading alongside her husband King George VI during the tumultuous years of WWII and the recovery that followed, and acting as a private counsel to her daughter during Elizabeth's decades on the throne, the impact of her loss was keenly felt by the British people, and of course, by the royal family themselves. The late queen's death understandably plays a role in the final season of The Crown, so in homage, we're taking a look back at some of the historic photos of her royal funeral.

Born Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the late Queen Mother spent the later years of her life living at Clarence House, where mourners gathered to leave tributes following her death.

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Ahead of her royal funeral, the Queen Mother's coffin lay in state at Westminster Hall.

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Members of the public took the opportunity to pay their respects.

queen mother lies in state
Tim Graham - Getty Images

For her official fneral, the Queen Mother's coffin moved in procession from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey. Many members of the royal family walked in the procession, including then-Prince Charles, Prince Philip, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, Prince Harry and Prince William, Peter Phillips, and Prince Edward.

members of the royal family in the procession taking the coffin of queen elizabeth the queen mother from westminster hall to westminster abbey for her funeral
Jeff Overs - Getty Images

The eldest of the Queen Mother's grandchildren, Prince Charles and Princess Anne walked alongside their father, Prince Philip.

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The coffin proceed with a full retinue. It also bore the Imperial State crown.

united kingdom london funeral of her majesty queen elizabeth, the queen mother
Colin McPherson - Getty Images

Members of the international royal families of Europe also traveled to London for the service. Queen Beatrix of Holland, King Philippe of Belgium, and Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik of Denmark were all in attendance.

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Anthony Harvey - Getty Images

The royals watched as the Queen Mother's coffin was carried into the abbey.

the queen mother's state funeral
Sion Touhig - Getty Images

Queen Elizabeth led the rest of the royal family behind the coffin and pall bearers as they entered the funeral service.

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ADRIAN DENNIS - Getty Images

Resting among the ornaments on the Queen Mother's coffin was a framed letter from Queen Elizabeth. "In Loving Memory," it read, with the signature "Lilibet," Elizabeth's family nickname.

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Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library - Getty Images

The royals all gathered for the service at Westminster Abbey on April 9, 2002.

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BEN CURTIS - Getty Images

As the coffin was placed in the hearse to travel from Westminster Abbey, the assembled paid their respects.

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Elizabeth and philip traveled by car, following the hearse after the service.

queen and philip in car
Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library - Getty Images

The Queen Mother's coffin made its final journey through London, past Buckingham Palace en route to St George's Chapel in Windsor.

royalty funeral of the queen mother london
Rebecca Naden - PA Images - Getty Images

Later that day, she was interred at St. George's Chapel next to her husband King George VI.

queen mother funeral
PA Images - Getty Images

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