Royal Reporter Explains Why Journalists Have Been Given an Extra Piece of Medical Info About Kate Middleton

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Journalist Explains Reporting of Kate's SurgeryChris Jackson - Getty Images

Kate Middleton is currently in hospital following a "planned abdominal surgery," which has inevitably generated a lot of public concern about her health.

Kensington Palace obviously anticipated this, and explained in their post on Twitter that "The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate. She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private."

The palace hasn't released further updates regarding Kate's surgery, but royal reporters including Roya Nikkhah noted that "it is understood the Princess’s condition is non-cancerous"—a clarification that was not part of Kensington Palace's statement and has lead to questions about where this info came from.

Rebecca English from the Daily Mail elaborated on the reporting process, explaining "For those commenting on why journalists have specified the princess’ condition is ‘non-cancerous’ when she is keeping details of her condition private, it is because aides are happy for us to publicly share that information in order to minimise public concern about her condition."

In other words, this information came straight from the palace in an attempt to reassure the public. Meanwhile, the palace's statement noted that "Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness’ progress when there is significant new information to share. The Princess of Wales wishes to apologise to all those concerned for the fact that she has to postpone her upcoming engagements. She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible."

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