Ruby Rose is GQ Australia’s Woman of the Year. Here’s why that’s huge

For months I’ve been looking for an excuse to write about my longstanding #WCW (a.k.a Women Crush Wednesday for those who live under an Instagram rock), Ruby Rose. It was a bittersweet moment when I woke up this morning - Wednesday of all days - to find that she’s been named Woman of the Year by Australian GQ. Why was the moment bitter, you ask? I guess I’m just realizing that I’m not the only one smitten by the Aussie beauty and, well, I don’t like to share. But I guess that’s also what makes it sweet - turns out, everyone is on board the Ruby Rose train, and no one could be more worthy of the worldwide attention.

Ruby Rose on the cover of GQ Australia
Australian media has known about Ms. Rose for over a decade, thanks to an early and successful modelling, DJ-ing and TV hosting career in her native country. The rest of us however only just became acquainted with her, thanks to her appearance on the second season of “Orange is the New Black.”
Yes, her appearance as the temptress inmate who steals Piper Chapman’s attention with her cool personality and gorgeous looks made her an international household name. And it’s since that breakout role that Ruby has exploded on the Hollywood scene; appearing on red carpets, magazine covers and even serving as this year’s co-host for the MTV EMA’s with Ed Sheeran.
OK so, I’ll admit that my crush began as a result of her incredibly impressive beauty. During my epic binge watch session of the new “OITNB” season, I thought to myself, who is that badass chick who looks like a hybrid between Justin Bieber and Angelina Jolie?!
Upon Googling her name, I discovered that she is so much more than a pretty face, she is an influential role model who is breaking important barriers in society. Specifically, Rose is very open about both identifying as a lesbian and her gender fluidity, something she describes as “not really feeling like you’re at one end of the [gender] spectrum or the other.” She identifies as both male and female and neither at the same time.

Ruby Rose and Phoebe Dahl at the GQ Woman of the Year red carpet (Getty Images)
She explains, “I have a lot of characteristics that would normally be present in a guy….But then sometimes I’ll put on a skirt.”
What also makes her an incredibly powerful personality in Hollywood is her openness about her difficulty at a young age dealing with bullying and depression, which even led her to attempt suicide. She’s now a strong advocate for anti-bullying, a cause very close to her heart. Sufficed to say, she’s been my pick for “Woman of the Year” for a while now, but GQ choosing her as theirs is even more important.
On Tuesday night Ruby proudly stepped onto the red carpet at the GQ celebration with her fiancée, Phoebe Dahl, and described her excitement for the distinction saying, “I love people loving me here again, because it’s been a tumultuous ride.” Welcome Ruby…stay a while, will ya?