Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for August

the word sagittarius under a group of planets
Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for AugustGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • August 4: Venus enters Virgo

  • August 4: Mercury Retrograde begins in Virgo

  • August 4: New Moon in Leo

  • August 14: Mercury Retrograde enters Leo

  • August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius

  • August 22: Sun enters Virgo

  • August 28: Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo

  • August 29: Venus enters Libra

The wind is back in your sails, Sagittarius. Leo season has restored your optimism and you're going after what you want. The next few weeks bring adventure and novelty your way. You’re tired of the same old routine and you're eager to learn and experience everything life has to offer. You might sign up for a class, work on a creative project, share your expertise with a wider audience, or even mentor someone.

The month begins with Venus, the planet of support, moving into Virgo on August 4. This is a great time for your public image, so if you’re trying to grow your social media following or launch a business, take advantage of these vibes. People are not only paying attention to you, they’re fawning over you! This transit can also bring luck to your professional life via a raise or promotion.

On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo and asks you to hit pause on your professional goals. Think about your priorities—are you investing your time working toward something that’s actually fulfilling? Or are you trying to meet someone else’s expectations? You might rethink your professional path over the next few weeks, or you may hear from old co-workers with potential job offers. Exes, old friends, or other people from your past may also resurface. There’s also a New Moon in Leo on the same day, which leads you to launch a new goal or plan. This can also mark the beginning of a new conversation that leaves you feeling hopeful and inspired about the future. Or perhaps you’re booking some life-changing travel experiences!

The Signs You're Most Romantically Compatible With

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

The Signs You're Most Sexually Compatible WIth

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Think You're Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your relationships are moving forward in a rewarding way when the Sun in Leo connects with Jupiter in Gemini on August 7. This is a great day for discussing the future, eloping, or finding a creative partner. Conversations that take place with your business collaborators, lovers, and friends go well, and it’s easy to get on the same page. You’re learning some lucky news about your professional life when Mercury Retrograde and Venus meet up in Virgo on the same day. Important people are paying you compliments and recognizing your hard work. Maybe that means a raise or just a call-out in a company-wide email. Either way, you’re standing out. An old lover or ex-friend might also reach out and share some regrets.

It's a make-it-or-break-it moment in your close relationships when Mars and Jupiter link up in Gemini on August 14. For some, you might take a big step with a romantic partner—like deciding to move in together seemingly overnight! For others, you’ll need to address what you’re avoiding. It’s up to you if you want to stay or go. New connections, contracts, or collaborative projects could also begin around this time. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde re-enters Leo, and you’ll want to pad in some extra time for your commute. Traffic and travel delays can get the best of you. Misunderstandings are also more likely to occur, so do your best to over-explain when necessary. You might also return to an old writing or speaking project, like a podcast or writing poetry, or choose to go back to school.

There’s tension in your close relationships on August 15 when Mars in Gemini bumps into Saturn in Pisces. A partner, friend, or family member might press your buttons in a way that’s hard to take back. You may reach a breaking point and choose to end a relationship or contract. Set boundaries and make sure people don’t take advantage of your kindness. A revelation arrives on August 18 when the Sun and Mercury Retrograde team up in Leo. You’re able to see a situation from a new perspective and your intuition is at its best. This is a great day to engage in divination practices for guidance, so dust off that tarot deck!

Some relationships are expanding while others are meeting their end when Jupiter in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on August 19. This can stir up mixed feelings. You’re ready to invest in certain connections, but you also need to face the fact that others have run their course. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius that brings important news your way. A piece of information you’ve been waiting for is revealed. This could also mark an important moment in your educational journey, or maybe you’re sharing your skills and talents with the public.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re making progress on your goals. This Virgo season can bring a moment of manifestation—something you’ve been wishing for finally arrives. This is also a great time to ask for a raise, put yourself out there and start dating, or to even propose to your partner! You’re ready to make major decisions regarding your life path, and you feel excited about where you’re headed.

Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re full of encouragement and ideas once again! Miscommunications clear up and negotiations that experienced delays speed up again. The month closes out with Venus, the planet of relationships, entering Libra on August 29. This brings more luck and support your way. If you’re looking for love, you can meet someone through friends, networking events, or online.

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