Scorpio December 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions
Daniel Egneus
Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Scorpio personality profile.
Welcome to December and the last month of the year, Scorpio. During November, your horoscope discussed how the transformative planet Pluto, one of your ruling planets, was stationed in Aquarius, where it will stay for the next two decades. This month primarily focuses on finding what family means to you during the stress of the holiday season.
Importantly, starting on Friday, December 6, your other ruling planet, Mars, goes retrograde in Leo, and your 10th House of Social Status. First, know that Mars rules sexual energy. As a result, it's normal if this affects your libido. Scorpios have a very sexy reputation and it's great if that speaks to you. However, should your sex drive ebb and flow, know that that's normal too. But as this affects your 10th House, most likely, you may feel a little less ambitious than usual. Rather than feel bad, just give into your softer side between now and February when Mars goes direct.
Also, on Friday, December 6, the lover planet Venus enters your fourth House of Home and Family. If you're in a new sexual partnership, you could see it deepening around this date as lovers start to feel like home. And if you're in a long-term partnership, a cozy weekend at home is just what you need to reconnect. Adding to the mix, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, joins Venus in your fourth House on Saturday, December 7. Further emphasizing that this is one of the sexiest weekends of the year, also on Saturday, December 7, the dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and goes direct in your pleasurable fifth House. If you're feeling sexy, this change heightens it. Even if you aren't, it calls you to feel good in other ways, such as exchanging massages with your partner or taking long baths.
You may want to mark Sunday, December 15, down in your calendar. There's a Gemini full moon in your transformative eighth House. This could lead some Scorpios to feel creative sexually. If that doesn't sound right, know that the mood is also very conducive to a makeover, even if you're just experimenting with eye makeup or trying new nail art. Also on Sunday, December 15, messenger Mercury ends its retrograde and goes direct. This allows communication to become easier and helps ensure that upcoming holiday travel isn't as stressful as it could be. It should also see any exes in your DMs going back to where they came from.
The sun moves into ambitious Capricorn on the winter solstice, Saturday, December 21, the shortest day of the year. This marks Yule, a Pagan holiday, from which Christmas derives many of its traditions, such as decorating trees and lighting candles. It's a time for relaxing with family over hot cocoa and delicious food. For the next few weeks, the sun is in your third House. This is a social vibe perfect for catching up with friends and family.
It's the perfect time to reconnect with chosen family.
A little over a week later, on Sunday, December 29, Chiron, the wounded healer, ends its retrograde and goes directly into your self-care-oriented sixth House. This calls for healing. As it's almost New Year's Eve, it's also the perfect time to reconnect with your chosen family after potentially having a challenging visit with any blood relatives. The next day, Monday, December 30, brings a dark Capricorn new moon in your third House. As new moons are the moon phase for fresh starts, without putting undue pressure on yourself, know that this is a valuable time to set goals for the New Year. Enjoy the holiday season and we'll see you in 2025.
Important dates in December 2024:
Friday, December 6: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Friday, December 6: Venus enters Aquarius
Saturday, December 7: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Saturday, December 7: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Sunday, December 15: Full moon in Gemini
Sunday, December 15: Mercury goes direct
Saturday, December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Sunday, December 29: Chiron goes direct
Monday, December 30: New moon in Capricorn
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of December 2024 horoscopes.
Originally Appeared on Allure
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