Scouted: The Best Sex Toys to Gift You Partner (and Yourself) for Valentine’s Day

Best Sex Toys for Valentine's Day
Scouted/The Daily Beast/Retailers.

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Ahhh Valentine’s Day. A time for romance. A time for cliché. A time that functions as a convenient excuse to engage differently with your and your partners’ sexualities in ways erroneously not often condoned by our sexually conservative culture. Whether you relate to Feb. 14 with anticipation, dread, or indifference, it’s always fun to have an excuse to dive deeper (and harder) into what feels good.

What do you need to know before gifting someone a sex toy? For starters, keep the gift low-pressure and centered on your partner by giving it to them out of a context where you’re about to have—or already having—sex. If it’s going to be just theirs, make it clear that it’s theirs first and foremost, and that you don’t expect to use it together unless it’s their idea.

If you’re thinking about a sex toy to use together, talk about it first—or even cozy up with your laptops and go shopping together. If it’s a sex toy that stretches their comfort zone, give them time to explore on their own without asking whether or not they’ve used it yet. And check out the best sex toys to buy your partner for Valentine’s Day below.