Scouted: Skip the Monthly Spa Fees and Invest in a Home Sauna Instead

The Best At-Home Saunas in 2024 | Scouted, The Daily Beast
Scouted/The Daily Beast/Oleg Breslatev/Getty.

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Whether it be a traditional dry, steam, or infrared sauna, research indicates that the well-known sweat-inducing wellness modality is scientifically proven to offer a lofty list of proven health-boosting benefits beyond just detoxing and reducing excess water retention. From lowering cardiovascular disease risk to fighting inflammation and even helping reduce the symptoms of certain mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, sweating it out in the sauna can do both the mind and body some serious good. Naturally, everyone should consult with a health professional before embarking on their sauna journey, but for most of us, the positive benefits of regular sauna use are well established, anecdotally and scientifically.

Wellness experts and doctors also agree. “Sweating it out in a sauna can help detox your body, improve your skin health, and even give relief from minor aches and pains,” Dr. Raj Dasgupta, Chief Medical Advisor for Fortune Recommends Health tells The Daily Beast. “They can also promote relaxation, reduce stress, and boost circulation. Just remember to use them in moderation, stay hydrated, and if you’ve got health concerns, talk to your doctor before you purchase an at-home sauna,” he says. He also underscored the adage that not all at-home saunas are created equal, and different types of saunas may be beneficial for different health concerns and lifestyle factors.

Steam Saunas

“Steam saunas have higher humidity because water is poured over hot rocks to create steam, and might be better for those with respiratory issues.”

Dry Saunas

“Dry saunas have low humidity and are better for those who prefer having intense heat without much moisture. Although, both dry and steam saunas offer similar health benefits.”

Infrared Saunas

“Infrared saunas may help to stimulate collagen production and are reported to have benefits such as smoother and more youthful skin.”

While I’m not an MD or wellness expert by any stretch of the imagination, I can certainly say that for myself, that regular use of at-home sauna solutions (I own the Heat Healer Energy Sauna and several sauna blankets that I still use despite the pricier investment) has reaped significant benefits that are worth the initial, up-front investments to purchase and in-home floor real estate. I’ve noticed improved sleep in both length and quality, reduced stress, and less swelling and bloat due to improved circulation and lymphatic function since I started incorporating at-home sauna use in my wellness routine.

Many gyms, spas, and wellness studios are equipped with communal saunas, but if you’re like me and not exactly keen on sitting in a confined 110-degree box half-naked with strangers, it’s not always the most alluring option, to say the least. While in-home saunas used to be reserved for A-listers and the top 1 percent, thanks to new advancements making the high-quality materials and technology in saunas cheaper than ever, they’re more accessible—and relatively affordable—than ever before.

Of course, you could always dip your toes in the at-home sauna waters by investing in a decidedly more wallet-friendly and space-saving infrared sauna blanket (usually priced between $300 to $600), but if you’re looking for a truly spa-like experience except in the comfort of your home, all sauna blanket-like options have their limits. While full-sized at-home saunas are typically higher than $500, working within those expectations, you’d be surprised at how approachable some of the prices are—especially for some of the more easy-to-set-up portable or storable options.

If you have the budget and the space in your home to invest in a full-size home sauna but aren’t sure how to navigate the search for the best one, we’ve got you covered. Scroll through below to check out some of the best home saunas on the market that’ll save you money in the long run.