Spanish ‘Edward Scissorhands’ uses fire and swords to cut hair

Ever accidentally burn your hair? The smell is terrible. But if you can stomach that, you might be up for a haircut from Spanish stylist Alberto Olmedo.

“Hairdressers usually cut one side and then the other,” Olmedo explains in a video interview with AJ+. “And one side is always a bit different from the other. The only way to do it in an exact mathematical way is to cut both sides simultaneously.”

To do this, he uses swords.


Being called the ‘real life’ Edward Scissorhands, Olmedo’s Madrid salon is famous for offering unconventional haircuts. Rarely using actually scissors, Olmedo instead opts for Samurai swords, blow torches and ‘claws’ – sharp, scissor-like thimbles he places on his fingers before clawing through hair.

“It’s a bit medieval,” he admits. “[But] sometimes you have to use a bit of your imagination to get positive results.”

Would you let someone use fire and swords to cut your hair? Let us know your thoughts by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.