Make Your Spouse LOL With These Anniversary Quotes

Make Your Spouse LOL With These Anniversary Quotes

The word "anniversary" might conjure up images of flowers, chocolates, extravagant gifts and a romantic evening with your partner, but we all know love and laughter is really the winning combo to celebrate a couple.

And, so, if humor is more appealing than a heartfelt sentiment when it comes to honoring your husband, wife or a couple in your life, these funny anniversary quotes might just be the perfect thing to write in their anniversary card or share as an Instagram caption.

Use this list of humorous anniversary quotes to add a little bit of lightheartedness and laughter into the big day. We have funny one-liners and jokes that call out little habits and quirks many of us deal with, quotes from comedians who just hit the nail on the head when it comes to marriage and more. Seriously, there's no shortage of laughs to be had, and the only thing better than reading them right now, is waiting to share 'em with your significant other.

Funny Anniversary One-Liners

there's no one else in the world i'd rather have snoring next me
Danielle Carson
  • There's no one else in the world I'd rather have snoring next me.

  • Forgot to cancel my 30-day marriage trial... Phew!

  • Grateful that we both swiped right.

  • After all this time, my love for you is still stronger than my WiFi signal.

  • Sorry, no refunds. Happy anniversary!

  • Today we celebrate the best decision you've ever made.

  • You still give me the same feeling as when I see my food coming at a restaurant.

  • A new year of love, humor, and putting up with the in-laws is here!

  • My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I'm not the one who married me!

  • I can't believe how much I'm not sick of you.

  • May your love never run out like toilet paper.

Famous Funny Anniversary Quotes

marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who cant sleep with the window shut and a woman who cant sleep with the window open george bernard shaw
Danielle Carson
  • "Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open." — George Bernard Shaw

  • "Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell." — Joan Crawford

  • "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." — Rita Rudner

  • "A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband." — Michel De Montaigne

  • "A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year." — Paul Sweeney

  • "An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her." — Agatha Christie

  • "To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; Whenever you're right, shut up." — Ogden Nash

  • "As a man in a relationship, you have a choice: You can be right or you can be happy." — Ralphie May

Funny Quotes From Movies, TV Shows and Books

when i was a kid most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap but theres one thing that he said that was pure genius he said if youre ever with a girl thats too good for you marry her valentines day
Danielle Carson
  • "Husbands are like wine; they take a long time to mature." — Letters to Juliet

  • "When I was a kid, most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap. But there's one thing that he said that was pure genius...he said, if you're ever with a girl that's too good for you, marry her." — Valentine's Day

  • "Marriage is like a tense, unfunny, version of Everybody Loves Raymond, only it doesn't last 22 minutes. It lasts forever." — Knocked Up

  • "Even a pain in the ass needs someone to take care of them." — 28 Days

  • "Well, that's what we do, we fight. You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of the bitch and I tell you when you're a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have, like, a two-second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing." — The Notebook

  • "I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It's a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity." — Her

  • "Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind." — 27 Dresses

  • "We both said I do, and we haven’t agreed on a single thing since." — So I Married an Ax Murderer

  • "When you love somebody, you go deaf, dumb, and blind."The Way We Were

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Your Husband

they say behind every great man is a great woman so honey on our anniversary i just wanted to let you know i'm behind you judging your every move
Danielle Carson
  • They say behind every great man is a great woman. So, honey, on our anniversary, I just wanted to let you know I'm behind you…judging your every move.

  • Happy anniversary to the guy who can fix anything around the house except his questionable fashion choices. You’re lucky you have me!

  • Cheers to another year of pretending to know what I’m talking about and you actually listening. Happy anniversary, husband.

  • Happy anniversary to the man who still thinks I’m hot, even when I’m in my sweatpants and no makeup. Love you!

  • I’ll keep on loving you, even when you’re old and wrinkly.

  • To my husband, on our anniversary: let’s continue to argue, tease each other, and make up with kisses. Love you!

  • Happy anniversary to the man who still thinks I’m funny, even when no one else does.

  • My favorite part of waking up to you in the morning…is when you’re handing me coffee. Happy anniversary!

  • After all these years, I’ve learned that the key to a happy marriage is a remote control. And snacks. Lots of snacks.

  • Happy anniversary to the man who makes every day feel like a romantic comedy, complete with laughter, drama, and the occasional plot twist!

  • Marriage is a relationship where one person is always right, and the other is the husband—just kidding — happy anniversary!

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Your Wife

i cant believe how lucky i am to have a wife who can tolerate all of my antics happy anniversary
Danielle Carson
  • I can't believe how lucky I am to have a wife who can tolerate all of my antics. Happy anniversary!

  • I'm still not sure how I convinced you to marry me, but I'm glad I did. Happy anniversary.

  • Happy anniversary, my love. I never knew being married meant I’d have someone to pick out my clothes each day, tell me how to wear my hair and give me driving instructions.

  • It would be hard to picture a life without you. I mean who would pay the mortgage?

  • Here’s to another year of marriage, where I still have no idea what I’m doing, but we’re doing it together. Happy anniversary!

  • Marriage is all about compromise. I pretend to listen, and you pretend to talk. It works! Happy anniversary!

  • On our anniversary, I want you to know how much I've enjoyed annoying you all this time and how excited I am to keep doing it in the future.

  • Every day I fall in love with you more and more — except yesterday. Yesterday, you were pretty annoying.

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Couples

you two are a classic couple like peanut butter and jelly batman and robin and the tv remote and the couch cushion heres to many more years of perfect pairings
Danielle Carson
  • You two are a classic couple, like peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin and the TV remote and the couch cushion. Here's to many more years of perfect pairings!

  • Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you're looking for a club and a spade.

  • Well, you both made it another year without one of you ending up dead or in jail. I call that a win. Happy anniversary!

  • Happy anniversary! Here’s to never again having a moment to yourself.

  • I’m relieved that neither of you ghosted the other! Happy anniversary!

  • Congratulations for defeating the odds in your marriage.

  • Let’s commemorate the day you both decided to stop looking for someone better.

  • This serves as a yearly reminder that you are still legally wed.

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Your Parents

youre proof marriage survives teenage tantrums and bad advice from yours truly happy anniversary parents
Danielle Carson
  • You're proof marriage survives teenage tantrums and bad advice from yours truly. Happy anniversary, parents!

  • Mom and Dad, you're not just an inspiration; you're a hilarious reality show. Keep the episodes coming!

  • We hope you celebrate your special day in style, even if that style is pajamas, slippers, and an 8 pm bedtime. We love you!

  • Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! Thanks for proving that love (and a whole lot of patience) can truly last a lifetime.

  • Happy anniversary to my favorite parents! Love, your favorite child.

  • Happy anniversary! May your love story continue to be the envy of us single folks...until we find someone to tolerate our quirks too!

Funny Quotes for Milestone Years

double digits baby we must be doing something right or at least tolerating each other exceptionally well
Danielle Carson
  • Congratulations on completing your yearlong trial. I’m hoping you decide to stay together.

  • Happy anniversary! We made it a whole year without accidentally setting the house on fire. Here's to many more (hopefully fire-free) years!

  • Happy 5th anniversary! Five years, 60 months, 260 weeks, or 1,825 days—however you count it, it all adds up to love.

  • Happy 5th anniversary! High five! We've officially been married longer than most reality TV marriages last.

  • A decade of love, laughter, and memories. Happy anniversary!

  • Happy 10-year anniversary. In dog years, we'd probably both be dead by now!

  • Double digits, baby! We must be doing something right...or at least tolerating each other exceptionally well.

  • Twenty-five years ago, you began your journey together. Today, you celebrate a lifetime of love (and laughter)! Happy silver anniversary!

  • Cheers to 40 years of marriage – or as I like to call it, the ultimate partnership in crime! May our love continue to be as timeless as our questionable fashion choices from the 80s.

  • Happy 50th anniversary! We may argue over the thermostat setting more than ever, but hey, at least we still agree on who gets the last slice of pizza!

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