Stink bugs in your house? Here's how to get rid of the smelly insects.

Every insect species has its claim to fame. Cicadas are known for making loud noises, while ladybugs are synonymous with red and black spots.

Other bugs stink – literally.

The U.S. and Canada are home to approximately 260 stink bug species, Terminix reports. Worldwide, over 4,000 different types of these smelly creatures crawling about.

While stink bugs usually live outside, they can occasionally make their way into homes. And although they are relatively harmless, no one wants an insect stinking up their space. If you're looking to eliminate a smelly infestation or prevent one, read on to learn how to identify stink bugs and get rid of them.

What does a stink bug look like?

Most adult stink bugs are shield-shaped. Their segmented bodies taper toward the bottom and widen toward the head.

Adult stink bugs tend to grow to two centimeters and are as long as they are wide. They have six legs – three on each side – that extend, making them appear larger. A stink bug's antennae is located at the point of its head.

Stink bugs also have wings located near their heads, according to Orkin, a pest control service. A stink bug's wings protect its body.

A stink bug's coloring depends on its species. They can be black, green, brown or gray. Others have distinct patterns, such as the Florida predatory stink bug, which has red markings.

Where do stink bugs come from?

If you have a stink bug problem in your home, don't panic. Unlike other insects, stink bugs do not cause structural damagedo not bite and do not spread disease. Even though they are harmless, stink bugs can still be a nuisance.

Stink bugs pose the biggest threat to your fruits and vegetables. When they emerge during the spring, stink bugs feed on various crops, including apples, corn, peppers, tomatoes and soybeans, the Environmental Protection Agency reports.

Stink bugs reproduce in the summer and will try to find shelter from the cold temperatures during the fall, according to Orkin. Once a stink bug finds a good place to hide, they will release a smelly chemical to alert and attract others. This can lead to an infestation.

Stink bugs make their way into homes through cracks and crevices.

How to get rid of stink bugs

The good news is stink bugs do not reproduce in homes, according to the EPA. So, if they're already inside, they won't lay any more eggs.

Using pesticides to get rid of stink bugs indoors is often ineffective, according to the National Pesticide Information Center. The best way to remove stink bugs is to vacuum them. You can also get rid of them by hand.

Another way to keep stink bugs out is through preventative measures. Make sure entryways and windows are secure so nothing can enter. Remove debris and vegetation that may attract the insects. Repair and seal any cracks in your home.

By following these steps, you can prevent stink bugs from coming into your house.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How to get rid of stink bugs: Go-to guide to prevent an infestation