Lights go out at Rays' Tropicana Field

It’s no secret that the Tampa Bay Rays have had some attendance woes, but we didn’t quite think they were at the “last one out turn out the lights” point.

In the ninth inning of Sunday’s series ender with the New York Yankees, the lights at Tropicana Field suddenly winked out. While there was enough ambient light from the sunshine outside to keep the dome from going totally dark, it certainly wasn’t enough to keep the field playable:

Credit the Tampa Bay fans, though, for trying their darnedest to come up with a solution, using their cell phones like they were at a concert:

The Yankees were leading 3-1 at the time, and proceeded to score another four runs in the top of the ninth after the half-hour delay. The Rays fans probably wish the lights had stayed out.

After the game, the Rays released a statement saying that a power outage at Tropicana was caused by “a failure of a main switch into the building,” which sounds important.


Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.

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