‘I Swapped Walks For Indoor Walking Workouts And Found An Excellent Cardio Alternative'
Don’t sleep on the power of walking. Research shows it can boost your mood, burn fat and strengthen your cardiovascular system, but if you’re anything like team Women’s Health, you’re probably struggling to stick to your daily step goal as it gets colder this season. The good news is that all is not lost. Indoor walking workouts are the next best thing, and with circa 750k videos to try on YouTube, there’s something for everyone.
Digital creator and podcast host Kayla Nelsen committed to trading her walk for one of YT’s most popular videos with fitness coach Grow With Jo to determine exactly what indoor walking workouts are, how they work, and whether they’re actually beneficial - or just another fad.
‘I’ve done my fair share of workouts before,’ she says in the video. ‘I’ve done treadmill workouts, strength training, dance workouts – but I’m yet to have tried an indoor walking workout, so I’m intrigued. I don’t use my Apple Watch much anymore, but to review the workout, I’m going to wear it and track it as “mixed cardio”.' Here’s everything she learned.
Read on for the top indoor walking workouts to try on YouTube.
'6 things I learned from trying indoor walking workouts'
1.They involve more than just walking on the spot
‘Grow With Jo’s indoor walking workout involved six-seven moves – like punches and standing crunches – with adequate rest breaks where you would be walking on the spot to keep your heart rate up. Once you’ve done all six-seven moves, you then work back down to the first, with walking in between, so you know what to expect throughout the workout, but without being bored,' Nelson says.
2. They’re convenient
‘This is definitely a good cardio workout if you need something low-impact – where was this in early quarantine? I was doing Chloe Ting instead. I’d highly recommend you try it. I feel like I’ve just been to the gym without even leaving my apartment,' says Nelson.
3. They’re harder than they look
As Nelson comes to the end of her workout, she says, ‘I’m dripping in sweat. I underestimated the walking. I am pleasantly surprised by how good I feel after that workout. I didn’t expect to sweat as much as I currently am.’
4. They’re a solid form of cardio
Nelson shares her Apple Watch stats: ‘For that 20-minute low-impact indoor walking workout, I burned 186 calories, and my average heart was 145bpm. I average 130-145 when I go outside and go for a walk, so this was awesome.’
5. They require coordination, but they’re relatively easy to follow
‘You think I’m joking about my poor coordination; this is not a joke. I have horrible coordination, truly. I was born with no rhythm. But these moves were relatively easy to follow even without coordination,' says Nelson.
6. Instructors don't always talk you through the workouts - you can follow along using a timer and music
Nelson's final thoughts? ‘I like it when the instructor doesn’t talk, so this was great – she didn’t talk, played great music, and the routine was easy to follow.’
Benefits of indoor walking workouts
The expert: Kate Neudecker is a qualified PT and fitness writer.
They’re free
They’re convenient and can be done at home
They’re accessible for all levels – read on for progressions and modifications
They’re low-impact
They boost cardiovascular health
They can improve blood sugar regulation and ease perimenopausal symptoms
They improve mood and reduce stress
They ease joint pain by producing synovial fluid to lubricate your joints
They build muscle strength
Indoor walking workout progressions: 3 ways to make them harder
Increase your walking pace
Add resistance – consider wearing a weighted vest, ankle weights, or a backpack
Incorporate free weights for any strength exercises included in your chosen indoor walking workout
Indoor walking workout modifications: 4 ways to make them easier
Reduce the pace and go at your own speed
Miss out every other strength exercise (if these are included in your indoor walking workout)
Use a walking pole or balance stick if you struggle with balance
Perform only the first half of your chosen indoor walking workout until you feel confident to complete the whole session
Best indoor walking workouts on YouTube
1.20-minute indoor walking workout with Grow With Jo
2. 1-hour indoor walking workout with Olivia Lawson
3. 15-minute indoor walking workout with Holly Dolke
4. 30-minute indoor walking workout with Leslie Sansone
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