Lose Weight

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    14 high fibre foods we really should be eating more of

    High fibre foods can improve health and digestion.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    8 simple ways to lose weight without going on a diet

    Whether you’re trying to cut down your calorie intake or have always wished for a flatter tum, diets can be exhausting.And with winter upon us, a huge bowl of salad is the last thing any of us want to tuck into after getting home from work.Fortunately, increasing research into our eating habits mean that simple, everyday hacks could assist your weight loss without you having to make huge sacrifices.From switching off the television come dinnertime to sitting at the table with friends and family,

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    Here's what happens to the fat when you lose weight

    Sadly, it isn't taken away by the fat fairy.

  • NewsYahoo Canada Style

    Model edits Instagram captions to reveal the ugly truth behind her 'perfect' shots

    Jazz Egger is an London-based Austrian model who has already worked with brands like Moschino and walked in London Fashion Week. The model is pulling back the veil on her “glamorous” lifestyle and showing followers what actually happens behind the scenes by editing her captions, and adding the hashtag #thruthbehindthisshot. In her edited captions, she shares the struggles she’s faced as a model like when she was told to lose weight despite already being underweight.

  • NewsRob Waugh's Yahoo Blog

    5 surprising things that could be making you overweight

    Fitbit argues that the devices used in the study don’t offer the amount of information offered by modern fitness trackers. Dr Jonathan Johnston of the University of Surrey believes that the impact on the body is to do with the time spent ‘fasting’ - ie not consuming food.

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Life Hacks: Video Playlist

    Whether it’s losing weight or decorating your home, cooking tips and cleaning tips, or pretty much everything else in between, we’ve curated a series of videos designed to help you make positive changes to your life.