Personal Hygiene

  • NewsYahoo Canada Style

    Why you should always shower at night, not in the morning

    We all have our morning routines — and for many people, that includes a steamy shower to pump you up for the day ahead. But now, a New York dermatologist is saying that you might want to consider swapping that morning shower out for a nighttime one.

  • HealthYahoo Canada Style

    Why you should never keep underwear for more than a year

    Victoria's Secret shopping spree, anyone?!

    1 min read
  • NewsYahoo Canada Style

    4 body parts you should be cleaning (but probably aren't)

    Most people remember to lather up the important parts of their bodies: faces, nether regions, armpits -- but what about your belly button?

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Woman Brushing Her Hair for the First Time in 4 Weeks Shows Impact of Depression

    Depression can be all too prevalent, affecting actors, supermodels, singers, doctors, and people from all walks of life. But the common mood disorder is becoming more pervasive in the young. One brave young woman, Katelyn Marie Todd, is opening up on Facebook about what depression feels like and how — when one is in the midst of it — even the smallest things, like brushing your hair, can simply be too much to handle. “I brushed my hair today. For the first time in four weeks,” Todd began her mov

  • NewsYahoo Canada Style

    How often you need to wash your hair

    As a woman with greasy hair, I’ve often struggled with how to keep my tresses moisturized and healthy without them getting weighed down at the roots by too much product buildup. If you’re like me and have curls and coloured hair, you should be washing even less.