Taurus November 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions
Daniel Egneus
Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Taurus personality profile.
Welcome to November, Taurus. While last month brought Halloween and the end of Pluto retrograde, this month sees Pluto finally stationing in Aquarius, a Mercury retrograde, and a full moon in your sign.
Each phase of the moon comes with intrinsic magical properties. New moons, like the one in Scorpio and your romantic seventh house on Friday, November 1, are associated with fresh starts. As a result, the first day of the month looks to be ultraromantic for you. It's a lovely night for going out on a date and any disagreements with friends or lovers should work themselves out around this time. On Saturday, November 2, chatty Mercury moves into your sexy eighth house. Not only is this transit super conducive to dirty talk, but it also brings ease to communication in all romantic partnerships.
All that is to say the first weekend of the month looks to be very romantic. Perhaps it's the stars suggesting that love (and hot sex; check out our list of sex toy shops if you're more interested in flying solo) is a good way to fight election stress. On Sunday, November 3, Juno, the asteroid of commitment, moves into your seventh House of Partnership, indicating that relationships will level up. Also, on Sunday, November 3, Mars, which rules sexual energy, stations in your cozy fourth House of Family. If you're casually seeing someone, there's a good chance that it will become more serious this weekend. Those in long-term relationships will see a renewal of passion.
You're feeling optimistic when sweet Venus moves into your intellectual ninth house on Monday, November 11. Sometimes we're told (and tempted) to expect the worst. The line of thinking goes that it's better to be surprised than disappointed. But let's allow ourselves to be a little woo-woo for a minute. What if positive thinking really does make a difference? Venus moving into your ninth house encourages you to give it a shot.
The next day, on Tuesday, November 12, strict Saturn ends its retrograde (which began in late June) and goes direct in your 11th House of Friendship. Saturn direct sees you growing closer to some friends and perhaps distancing yourself from others. The key is to allow yourself to grow and change, Taurus. However, as the 11th house also rules social issues, Saturn going direct could also mean you feel called to help your community in some way. Perhaps you'll recommit to a cause dear to your heart.
The sky lights up with a full moon in your sign, Taurus, on Friday, November 15. Keep your eye on your inbox around this date, as it could lead to news you've been waiting for. However, it could also leave you feeling rather on edge. Full moons can be anxious times. They also really do bring out our wild side. Should you decide to party this night, just know that you've been warned.
Transformative Pluto finally settles into Aquarius, highlighting your 10th House of Social Status, on Tuesday, November 19—and it will stay there until 2043. Pluto's been back in Capricorn since early September, giving us a chance to say goodbye to a chapter of our life that began when the planet first moved into Capricorn in 2008. Did anything major begin in your life 16 years ago? That era is now closed, but something welcome is taking its place.
Even Mercury retrograde can be a blessing with the right mindset.
The sun leaves spooky Scorpio and moves into bold Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21. Not only are the next few weeks super sexy, but you may feel called to switch up your aesthetics. Browse some fall hair trends, cute ear piercings, or nail art for inspiration. Sagittarius season is all about having fun, so try to minimize filling up your schedule with unnecessary work obligations. Be aware that Mercury goes retrograde on Monday, November 25, causing the usual communication mishaps and travel delays. While the travel delays may be extra pesky, especially around Thanksgiving, try to take advantage of the technology slowdowns by logging off. Even Mercury retrograde can be a blessing with the right mindset.
Finally, a new cycle in your sex life begins with the second new moon of the month happening on Saturday, November 30, this time in your sexy eighth house. It's a lunation for connecting with a partner, or if you prefer, a sex toy, a long bath, or any other avenue of pleasure. Enjoy, Taurus, and we'll see you in December.
Important dates in November 2024:
Friday, November 1: New moon in Scorpio
Saturday, November 2: Mercury enters Sagittarius
Sunday, November 3: Mars enters Leo
Monday, November 11: Venus enters Capricorn
Tuesday, November 12: Saturn goes direct in Pisces
Friday, November 15: Full moon in Taurus
Tuesday, November 19: Pluto enters Aquarius
Thursday, November 21: Sun moves into Sagittarius
Monday, November 25: Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius
Saturday, November 30: New moon in Sagittarius
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of November 2024 horoscopes.
Originally Appeared on Allure
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