Taylor Swift “Isn’t Sure” About Committing to Matty Healy Romance “So Soon” After Joe Alwyn Split

Taylor Swift “Isn’t Sure” About Committing to Matty Healy Romance “So Soon” After Joe Alwyn Split

Taylor Swift and Matty Healy’s alleged new romance took the internet by surprise, especially as Taylor is very newly single after a very long-term, serious relationship. But make no mistake, a source told Us Weekly in a report published yesterday, while Taylor and Matty are seeing each other, Taylor is not diving headfirst into anything serious and new.

She “isn’t sure [she’s] ready to commit [to something] so soon,” the source said.

Taylor’s breakup from her boyfriend of six years Joe Alwyn was first reported on April 8 after happening privately and quietly the month before. The Sun broke news of her new relationship with Matty on May 3, less than one month after the Joe news broke. Many were skeptical about the report, but Matty then attended Taylor’s Nashville shows.

Onstage during Matty’s concert with his band The 1975 that week and during one of Taylor’s Nashville concerts, both singers mouthed the line, “This one is about you. You know who you are. I love you.” Fans noticed:

Us’s source said that Taylor and Matty, who were previously romantically linked in December 2014, were just rekindling that flame. “They’re looking to give things a second chance,” the source said. “[They] run in the same circle of friends [and are] having a good time reconnecting again.”

That source added that Taylor “really likes [him and is] happy spending time with him.”

A second source confirmed the pair “have been hanging out and are having fun together. They both respect and admire each other’s talent. They have a lot of mutual friends, including Jack Antonoff.”

Jack is actually the person who reconnected them, Entertainment Tonight reported yesterday. A source told the outlet, “Taylor and Matty have been hanging out recently, and Jack Antonoff reconnected them.”

A second source added, “Taylor and Matty like each other. Taylor has a crush on Matty and they are having a good time hanging out. Matty also thinks Taylor is awesome and incredibly talented too. They dated briefly in the past.”

Matty denied those December 2014 dating rumors in March 2016, after he drew criticism for describing the idea of dating Taylor as an “emasculating thing” in a Q magazine interview.

He wrote in a Twitter statement that has since been deleted:

“I was for a very short time immersed in a celebrity world that I found confusing and scary. At that time, I had fears of being ‘somebody’s boyfriend’ (remember this is all speculation as we never dated!) before even being recognized for my music or presence as a person in my own right.

“Now I don’t pride myself on being more intelligent or worldly or wise or progressive or even regressive than the next man but I DO pride [my]self on being honest. I was being HONEST about all the thoughts, feelings, and situations that come along when people ASSUME you are dating the most famous woman on the planet. I am telling you from experience it’s an all-consuming whirlwind and something that for me elicited a lot of self-exploration.

“Now if you want to talk about Taylor Swift, that is easy.…Since she came to my show in December of 2014, I would say that 90 [percent] of journalists that have interviewed me have asked about either her as a person or what our ‘interaction’ was like. I have said on countless occasions that I found her to be one of the most gracious, hardworking, creatively gifted, and beautiful women that I have had the pleasure to meet. I personally have a lot of respect and admiration for her. Why would I not?

“I didn’t even date Taylor, but the media’s incessant and brutal obsession with her has meant that even a guy who DIDN’T DATE HER has been so battered by their never-ending questions that he’s inevitably said something that can be lifted and molded into something that resembles ‘shade.’ It’s really sad.”

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