Teacher who quit due to MELON-SIZED face tumour unrecognisable after surgery

A teacher who had to quit due to having a melon-sized tumour on his face is unrecognisable and back at work after surgery. Auguste, 64, developed a small spot on his jaw 13 years ago aged 51 - which grew over the years until it was the size of a MELON. The grandfather quit his beloved job as a headteacher in 2018 because it became difficult for him to talk, eat and even sleep. Auguste, from Dakar, Senegal, tried to find a treatment for years but struggled - until he was advised to visit hospital ship Mercy Ships which happened to be docked nearby. He met with a volunteer surgeon on board and and was booked in for the life-changing surgery to fully remove the growth. On March 13, 2023, he went under the knife and woke up to see his face tumour-free for the first time in over a decade. He even returned to work - despite being of retirement age - because he sees teaching as his 'calling'.