Teachers, Tell Me What Parents Should Teach Their Kid Before They Get To School

Recently, I came across this post on the popular r/Teachers subreddit entitled, "What can I teach my kid to make your lives easier?" I thought that was such a great question, so I've decided to ask: Teachers in our very own BuzzFeed Community, what are some helpful things parents can be teaching their kids before they get to your classroom?

Maybe you teach kindergarten, and have a lot of students who don't quite yet know their own first and last name, or the street they live on. What's that like?

Chris Perfetti wears a surprised expression and stands in a casual setting, wearing a plaid shirt and sweater

Perhaps it'd be helpful to you if parents taught their kids basic social skills before sending them to school, like not interrupting when someone is talking, or waiting their turn. Or maybe you've noticed other skills that need work, like tying their own shoes or putting their coat on. Tell me about it!

Adult helping child tie shoelaces on grass
Alexphotostock / Getty Images

Maybe you teach a higher grade level, and just wish your high schoolers actually knew how to type before being sent to your class. Or maybe you're a grade school teacher, and have noticed that more parents need to be reading to their kids at home. Either way, I want to hear about it!

Person typing on a laptop keyboard in a sunlit room
Maria Korneeva / Getty Images

Or maybe your example is something totally random that I haven't even thought about. Whatever it is, I'd love to hear about it in the comments down below! Or, if you prefer, feel free to check out this anonymous Google Form. Your comment may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!