How to Tell Is Someone Is Cheating On You Through Astrology


In this installment of Practical Magic, Lisa Stardust explains how to tell if someone is cheating on you through astrology. Always remember that magic is for believers, but this column can also simply serve as a guide to getting in touch with yourself — magically or not.

Largely, astrology acts as a gentle guide or a way to make better sense of what's happening around us. But, we can actually ask the stars specific questions about our future with a practice called horary astrology, a form of divination that answers specific questions. The number one question I, an astrologer, get from clients looking for specific answers is how to tell if someone is cheating on them through astrology.

Luckily, horary astrology can help reveal some answers. Here's how: Rather than use a birth chart for a person, we are creating one for the moment the birth of the question occurred. For example, if I am obsessing over whether my S.O. is cheating on me, and it’s 1:13 AM on July 5, 2024, in New York City, I will make a chart for the time that I'm pondering the question. Make sense?

There are, of course, more rules to horary charts, so let's go through it to see how you can use this type of astrology to reveal how to tell if someone is cheating. But before we get into it, remember that relationships require trust. If you have reason not to trust your partner, that's something to address head on. Of course, you may trust your partner and find that they're cheating anyway, a betrayal that's devastating to experience. But infidelity is never your fault. In these cases, you should always open up a dialogue with your partner so you can either work things out or break it off.

How to Tell if Someone Is Cheating Through Astrology

Asking The Question

First thing's first: you need to figure out the question you're basing this horary tea on. Don’t ask a question starting with “should.” You can only ask questions with the opening phrase “will” or “is,” like “Is my boyfriend cheating?” or “Will my partner cheat when they go to Las Vegas next week?”

The question must be the “burning question of the hour.” The moment the question pops into your head is when you have to cast the chart. Note the time and date, then create the chart for that moment.

You CANNOT ask the question more than once in three months. If you want to ask again, you have to wait three months before doing so. These charts are valid for 90 days, so the answer should apply to your life for several months.

You CANNOT ask about the past — ONLY the present and the following three months.

How To Cast A Horary Chart:

Now, you need to cast your chart. Horary charts are cast at the moment in time that the question pops into your head. That is the “birthdate,” so you create the chart for that date, time, year, and location. You can use this site to help you create a chart for this moment.

Rules AGAINST Judgement

Once you have your chart, it can tell you whether it can provide answers or not. If the degrees of the ascendant range from 0 to 3 or 27-0, this means the chart is too early or late to be judged. Information is missing, or the matter has already taken place. In other words, you can't judge an answer from the information in the chart.

The Moon is void, meaning it’s not making any significant astrological aspect to any planet. The Moon is never void in Taurus (its exaltation), Cancer (its dignity), Sagittarius (a lucky sign), and Pisces (a fortunate lunar sign).

If Saturn is in the 1st, 4th, or 10th House, that is also a rule against judgement. In this type of chart, we will use Saturn in the 7th House, but usually, it’s a hindrance against judgment.

Rules FOR Judgement:

The degrees of the ascendant range from 3 to 27. This means the chart is valid and able to be read.

How to Read Your Horary Chart

Pay attention because this can get complicated. Different rules apply when interpreting this particular type of horary chart. We are looking to see what planets (the person they’re cheating with) are in the 7th House (the person you’re asking about). It’s important to note that if the 1st House (you) deposit is in the 7th House, the answer is no. For instance, if you cast a chart and Taurus ascendent, you’d look to the chart to find Taurus’s planetary ruler (Venus). If Venus is in Scorpio and the 7th House at the precise degree, it yields a no. You’re the only one they’re into. The same applies for every planet. If that’s not the case, check out the list of planets below to clarify their meaning.

The Sun’s presence in the 7th House is a HARD NO. Your boo is being honest and not playing games with your heart.

The Moon in the 7th House means they’re thinking about it and might engage with someone soon.

Mercury in the 7th House dictates that cheating might have been an issue in the past, but not anymore — so don’t stress it!

Venus in the 7th House shows a flirtation is brewing or occurring between your crush and another person.

Mars in the 7th House is a DEFINITE YES! The relationship is just sexual without a deep emotional connection.

Saturn in the 7th House is another YES. But love is a sentiment beginning to manifest between both parties.

Jupiter is a “maybe” because the person is hard to resist. They could be someone who holds power over the situation.

Modern Planets:

In horary, it’s advised not to use modern planets because this astrological system was created before discovering the modern and outer generational planets. However, if you want to use them, these planets mean the following:

Uranus in the 7th House indicates an on-and-off-again relationship but doesn’t predict cheating.

Neptune in the 7th House can show that they’re in love with someone from afar and lost in the fantasy.

Pluto in the 7th House indicates a love triangle or a third party is calling the shots, so it’s up to you if you want to stay involved in this throuple.

Retrograde Planets:

They represent unpredictability in these charts.

Duplicate Planets In The 7th House:

Look at the planets in the 7th House. If the Sun, Moon, and Mercury are present, it would be a NO to a question about cheating. Two planets give no as an answer, and one planet is a maybe. If Mars, Mercury, and Saturn are there, the answer is YES. Two planets in favor of cheating would be a yes, and one planet would be a no. Consider what the planets indicate and how many point to one answer. Then, you can make a judgment on the case at hand.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue