People Are Calling Out Red Flag Habits That Show Someone Wasn't "Raised Right," And I'm Cringing At Each And Every One Of Them

Recently, on Reddit, people shared some telltale signs that someone wasn't "raised right." Whether these behaviors really do come from failed parenting or from something more essential about someone's personality, I think we can all agree that these things are massive red flags. Here's what people had to say:

1."People who use their phone on speaker in public, or watch videos without headphones or earbuds."

People seated, focused on using smartphones, likely in a waiting area or public setting, demonstrating typical family or parenting screen time moments
People seated, focused on using smartphones, likely in a waiting area or public setting, demonstrating typical family or parenting screen time moments


2."When they’re unable to admit they are wrong or made a mistake."


"Being punished for being honest was a thing in my household. I became a liar until I knew it was safe to be honest about my mistakes."


3."Not treating animals with respect."



A hand extends from a car window, holding a cup with geometric patterns
A hand extends from a car window, holding a cup with geometric patterns


"I had a friend in school that would litter and say, 'Well, there's already litter everywhere, so what does it matter?' PISSED ME OFF."


5."They leave their trash in your car when you give them a ride."


6."Talking and acting with no respect or consideration for other people."


"I think they call it being honest and no bullshit. I don't know where people get the idea that being difficult and uncompromising is a sign of individuality."


7."People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. WTAF."

Hands washing under running water in a bathroom sink
Hands washing under running water in a bathroom sink


8."They don't ask questions. None. Not 'How do I do this specific thing,' 'How was your day,' or 'Do you want help?' because there were no safe answers."


9."Making fun of someone for something they can’t control."


"I always thought making fun of people is just 100% insecurity."


10."They don’t realize what’s normal in a relationship because they assume the relationship their parents had was normal."

Child covering face while two adults argue in the background at a table
Child covering face while two adults argue in the background at a table


"It’s a powerful thing, realizing that your model for relationships is screwed up. It makes you question and second guess yourself, wondering if what you’re doing is normal."


11."When they believe being an asshole or a bully is something to be admired or aspire to. They've either had their mean behavior enabled/never checked, or it was encouraged or normalized by those who should have been teaching them better."


12."Anyone who turns their nose up rudely at food offered to them as a guest. This is a sacred ancient custom. When someone offers you food, they are offering you life — and the offering is made at the expense of their own family. So show some fucking respect. There was nothing that would get my kids into more shit with me than being impolite guests, especially when it came to a meal."


13."Not treating customer service staff well."

Woman in an apron looks stressed while a man points and talks to her across a countertop in a kitchen setting
Woman in an apron looks stressed while a man points and talks to her across a countertop in a kitchen setting


"I can't be friends with people like that, let alone date someone like that. It infuriates me and makes me feel like a lesser human for being seen with them. Gives me the fucking ick."


14."Honestly, it’s the lack of basic respect that gets me. Like people who don’t say 'please' or 'thank you' or who interrupt constantly. Or those who think it’s okay to leave a mess for someone else to clean up. And the entitlement thing, like they think the world owes them something? That’s a dead giveaway. Basic manners ain’t hard, and if they’re missin’, somethin' went wrong somewhere. And when they just don't seem to have any empathy. Like they don't care if they hurt your feelings or if they are just being mean. That’s a big no."


15."Racism, sexism, hatred, and bigotry of any kind."


16."They expect never to be uncomfortable. Discomfort of any kind is a frightening or foreign concept to them."

Person in a hoodie sitting at a desk with head in hands, laptop open, and headphones beside them. Appears stressed or overwhelmed
Person in a hoodie sitting at a desk with head in hands, laptop open, and headphones beside them. Appears stressed or overwhelmed


"Oof, this is a bad one and a major parental failure. Best to learn about disappointment and failure at home when the stakes are low than when you get out in the world and get the fucking smackdown!"


17."Nothing is ever their fault, and there’s no personal responsibility or accountability for anything."


18."Dropping people when they can no longer do anything for them."


19."Someone who won’t even listen to someone with a different opinion, just immediately yells and says they’re wrong and not even try to see it from a different perspective. Usually, that's someone who lacks empathy as well."

Two people are in a discussion at a wooden table with laptops and a phone. One person gestures expressively, and the other listens intently
Two people are in a discussion at a wooden table with laptops and a phone. One person gestures expressively, and the other listens intently


"I knew someone like this, kicked them out of my life a few years back, and they’re STILL messaging my friends to 'make me' unblock them so they can rant more at me about how they’re not wrong, never have been wrong and never will be. Big 'I’m the victim, not you' mentality."


20."Stealing. I was friends with a girl at 19-20. She was an only child, her parents had both good wages and provided all she needed. She would steal just because she had the opportunity to do so: a bike left with its keys on it when we left a party or an iPhone that a drunk person lost. I was so mad at her. Why do you need to steal that instead of just being good to these strangers??"


"I had a friend like this. My final straw was when we went to the mall, and she disappeared. When I finally found her, it was cause she was going around stealing stuff. Made me super uncomfortable."


21."Not paying people back when they offered to split the bill, like purposely avoiding it."


22."Being on the phone while someone is directly talking to you. It’s incredibly rude. At least acknowledge that you need to put the conversation on hold to look at something unrelated on your phone."

Person in a hoodie, sitting on stairs, focused on using a smartphone
Person in a hoodie, sitting on stairs, focused on using a smartphone


23."They're unaware of people in their immediate vicinity. A variation on spatial awareness or situational awareness as it relates to spaces where people gather."


"There are an astonishing amount of people who will stand in a grocery store blocking one half of the aisle with their body and block the other half with their shopping cart while they peruse items. You can walk right up to these people, obviously unable to pass, and they don’t even notice. Like are people not just constantly aware of where their body is in space in public? I can’t imagine."


24."They can't bring themselves to ask for help. It means that when they needed their parents most during the early years of life, their parents were incapable of handling those negative emotions. They were often dismissive and downplayed when their children were sad, angry, or scared. Their parents' parents did the same thing. And so on and so forth. It is a sad cycle."


25."Not holding a door open for the person right behind you."

People exiting a modern building, a man holding the door open for two women, one in business attire and another in a casual red top, smiling
People exiting a modern building, a man holding the door open for two women, one in business attire and another in a casual red top, smiling


"This is crazy. Every now and then, I see men saying they refuse to do this for women anymore because blah blah blah don't have a girlfriend blah blah.

But like... I'm a female who was raised to believe that everyone does that for everyone else, regardless of gender, just for the sake of politeness."


26."If they make fun of someone right after they walk away. Especially when they justify their rude comments."


27."Thinking that their way of living is the only way and that everyone else is wrong."


28."In my family, we were all very defensive and trying to be perfect and made very hurtful jokes at each other all the time. I thought it was normal, so I did that growing up, and now, at 18, I'm realizing just how much of an asshole I was growing up due to my family environment that I thought was normal. Now I'm trying to learn how to not be an asshole."

A family gathers around, with a young child gently kissing a baby in a cozy home setting
A family gathers around, with a young child gently kissing a baby in a cozy home setting


29.And finally, "Not understanding 'no' is a full sentence. Always wanting their way, thinking they deserve more than the people around them. If you can’t understand why you can’t have everything, or why someone else may be more deserving, or that someone isn’t obliged to do as you wish — 100,000% not raised right."


Have you ever known someone who behaved this way? Tell us how it affected your relationship with them in the comments!