There's a Mouse Hidden Among the Squirrels. Can You Spot It?
Another day, another seek-and-find puzzle from children's book illustrator and brain-teasing artist Gergely Dudás, a.k.a. The Dudolf. With Halloween in the past, Dudás' puzzles have shifted from all things spooky to anything but. And his newest one will have you scanning every inch of the puzzle, trying your hardest to find the mouse hidden among the squirrels.
All of Dudás' masterful puzzles are unique and can be found on his website, social media, and in his seek-and-find puzzle books. (He has one for Halloween, Christmas, and Springtime!) His brain teasers vary in difficulty, so whether you're a pro or you struggle to find the hidden object, you'll find a puzzle you actually enjoy.
This one may not be as difficult as some of the artist's previous puzzles, but he hid the mouse among the squirrels pretty well. Not to mention, he threw in a few different colors and distracting items throughout the puzzle to make it that much more challenging. See how quickly you can find the little man:
If you found him, congratulations! You can now go on with your day. If you're still struggling to spot the mouse, you're not alone, and you can do it. Consider taking one last look at the top right corner of the puzzle before you continue scrolling for the solution.
The answer's below.
Stop scrolling if you want to solve it yourself.
Last chance.
I mean it.
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