It's Time for Your Weekly Tarotscope

three tarot cards face down
It's Time for Your Weekly Tarotscope Reading! Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread, to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


the world tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Expect lots of Aries energy this week with a Venus retrograde in Aries (likely telling you to repair your love life) and Mercury moving into Aries (follow your own path, be a pioneer not a follower). And we are nearly in Aries season too, the cosmic New Year of the zodiac calendar. As we approach that important junction, The World card visits us, the final card of the tarot and an appropriate omen for this week: It represents endings, the embryos of new beginnings. Something must conclude or fade in order for something fresh to take root. Consider that this week. What are you coming to the end of? What can you de-clutter? What is nearly done with? Mark your endings fully and well. New news lies ahead!


wheel of fortune tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your season is just around the corner and The Wheel of Fortune comes into your realm to make way for the celebration of your return around the sun. Change is needed, wanted, and coming for you! Welcome this visitor into your life and make it feel at home by spinning the wheel of fortune yourself. Instigate a change. Let something go. Start something new. Adapt or realign your thinking. Get a new look or makeover. Spruce your home. Change your routine. Be an agent of change and reap the rewards of this force.


five of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Sometimes it feels like life is just one thing after another, right? An endless parade of sh*t. You are the zodiac’s realist, you don’t sugar coat stuff, and you call it what it is (or what it looks like to you, anyway). Bring that down-to-earth and plain-speaking energy to a problem this week. Call it out. Express your feeling and opinion on it. Suggest a resolution or next step. And be resolute in your position—let them come around to your way of thinking (because you’re right, you *are* willing to say what others won’t). The Five of Wands asks you to solve the issue and be the hero!


ten of cups
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

People underestimate just how loyal, loving, and joyful Geminis are. Seriously, why do they get such a bad rep? The Ten of Cups puts all the Mercury twins in their best relationship element this week, feeling adored and needed, but also entertained and given plenty of space (the perfect alchemy for a happy Gemini twosome). Being understood and treated well makes you flourish and blossom in your heart. You can’t do enough for those who treat you well, and their gratitude and love make you feel special. Gemini, you light up people’s lives, especially when you feel loved. Go be that much-needed lamp of joy! Shine!


eight of pentacles
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

If there’s a path of least resistance, you’re typically going to take it. Until, one day, you don’t. All Cancerians are happy for the quiet life, the easy road, the home territory, and comfort zone…until they’re riled. And the Eight of Pentacles suggests you can see the merit of taking the hard path, the uphill road, the uncharted and shady looking route. Good for you. I promise it will be worthwhile. You can’t get to where you want to go right now by a short cut or a path already trodden by everyone else. Hard roads lead to beautiful destinations, so set off with high hopes. You’re on the right track.


the devil tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Wait

"Lions do not care for the opinion of sheep," or so social media often tells us in memes! However, it’s true. And you are the zodiac’s lion. Do what you’re doing, Leo, and let the opinions of others fall to the wayside in your wake. Let them be astounded, appalled, jealous, or pleased—that’s their business, not yours. Sometimes you have to follow your own passions and curiosities even if they don’t align with those around you. The Devil is a powerful card of personal validation, taking responsibility for being yourself, and doing what you want to do, especially if riles other folks. Be a lion.


ten of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You have a tendency to say yes and take on way too much (because you can figure you can do it better and faster than others), and then hit a wall and burn out. This is a pattern. One you struggle to circumvent because being a helper and doer is hardwired into your factory settings. Virgo, recognize the signs of impending fatigue and take pro-active steps. By that I mean ditch, delegate and delay anything which isn’t urgent, important, or solely your responsibility. Let others help. Seek deep rest. Make this week a much more lazy and easy one.


three of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Libra, you often find yourself in hot water relationship-wise, and I think it’s down to your sign’s chemistry. Air gives you a slightly ruthless, detached edge, while Venus brings you endless suitors and admirers who fall for you fast. Your fixed mode can make you stubborn, and blind to your own flaws or vulnerabilities. The Three of Swords finds you involved in some kind of "three’s a crowd" situationship, rivalry (that you didn’t start or ask to be in), or even an illicit affair. Be careful. Be considerate. Think about the consequences, what you’re willing to take ownership for, and then make the necessary steps to get yourself out of this mess.


ace of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

A new lover is on the cards this week, Scorpio, so romance is coming your way. If you’re happily attached and not looking for a secret admirer, then this could signal a rekindling of your own passion. Look out for fellow Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer). Look out for creative, youthful, charismatic people. If you’re wondering about starting, or growing, a family—even with a pet!—then this is a good week for that kind of activity too! Love is created simply by loving people. That is what this week will be all about.


king of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Ready to get rich? The King of Pentacles brings success, prosperity, wealth, and ambitious plans your way. Maybe even against the odds, so if there’s a role or project you’ve been struggling to get going, then expect a breakthrough in the coming seven days. You are strong and resilient, and also very lucky. This is a great combination for business, for going solo, for following an entrepreneurial pathway in life. Maybe it’s time to consider this for yourself in the near future. Maybe you’re ready to go it alone. Start making plans.


the star tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Good fortune and luck will find you easily and often this week, Capricorn, so think yourself lucky and play bold, big, winning hands in the game of life! Prioritize high risk and high reward moves. Take chances. Aim for ambitions that seem out of reach. Think bigger. The Star is the tarot’s cosmic wish pass and will grant you a dream come true if you’re confident and pro-active about what you aim for and how you make overt steps towards it. Life favors the lively! Inertia and inaction attract, well, nothing. Be busy and be lucky. It’s going to be a great week.


five of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Five of Cups is a grief card, an echo of emotion linked to a loss or regret in your past. That might not sound much fun, but it will deliver a new insight or perspective that enables you to heal, process, and release this feeling. And that will feel immediately liberating and like a weight has lifted. So, don’t squash down your feelings. Let them emerge, name them, talk about them, connect them to the relevant event, and then simply let them mutate and fade. You’re then free to take the next step. A positive one. This is all for the best.


nine of cups
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

It’s your season, it’s your time, it’s your astrological highlight of the year so make merry, revel, celebrate, be daring and bold, manifest and make dreams a reality. The Nine of Cups brings you all of the imagination, determination, good fortune, support, and alliances you need to truly design your life the way you want it to flow for 2025. It’s all coming together. It’s all right under your nose. Refocus on what you have to hand and make even more of it. Share gratitude to your inner circle. Spread joy and warmth. You will attract what it is the Universe believes you most need for your year ahead.

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