How do you train a cat? These Acro-cats are performing in Fort Worth

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Ten minutes a day is all you need to train a cat, according to Samantha Martin of Rock Cats Rescue and the Amazing Acro-Cats.

Teaching them how to do acrobatics and play instruments like the Amazing Acro-cats might take longer.

“The Amazing Acro-cats are former orphans, rescues and strays that have come into my life over the years and I’ve trained them all to do something unique,” Martin said.

Albacore Tuna can ring a bell, for example. Asti can play the drums, and Bowie can do barrel rolls.

The cats will be performing alongside Martin at the Stage West Theatre in Fort Worth from Thursday, May 9, through Sunday, May 12.

Along with the performing cats, four trained foster kittens will be available for adoption. Those kittens — Houston, Frisco, Austin and Laredo — are all trained to go in a carrier at the sound of a whistle.

“That’s something that can save an animal’s life. If you have an emergency, you need to gather them all quickly,” Martin said.

The Acro-cats are partnered with Buddies Place Cat Rescue of Texas, a local cat rescue.