People Are In Stitches Over Someone Receiving 36 Cheese Blocks From A Popular Food Waste App, And The Company's Response May Be The Best Part

Anyone who's passionate about fighting food waste while saving a few bucks might be familiar with Too Good To Go, an app that helps you rescue surplus food from restaurants and grocery stores for a fraction of the original price. The app's homepage contains a list of "Surprise Bags" containing various food items, from baked goods to groceries, that you can reserve and pick up during specific time slots.

a screenshot of the too good to go app

And Surprise Bags are just that, an absolute surprise depending on the surplus food these sellers have at the end of the day. For one Twitter user and Too Good To Go customer, Blair Cole, surprise doesn't even begin to cut it. In a tweet that's now been viewed 6.5 million times, Blair shows a screenshot from the app of his confirmed Surprise Bag that he's reserved from Aldi for ÂŁ3.30 (about $4.18 USD) followed by a video of the haul.

a tweet from blair that reads "got a £3.30 too good to go bag from Aldi. I could not have expected this"
@Blxir / Via Twitter: @Blxir

"So here is the Too Good To Go haul," he starts off saying while holding a prepackaged meal of "Korean-Style BBQ Beef." The camera then pans as Blair laughs and says, "What else did we get? Oh, we got 36 blocks of cheese!" He then shows what is, in fact, 36 individually wax-sealed blocks of cheese. Twitter, of course, lost it — and you will too when you see the video.

a tweet that reads "it's hard to see other people living your dreams"
@buckfastbadlad / Via Twitter: @buckfastbadlad

The jealousy is real, y'all.

a screenshot of a tweet that reads "god i've seen what you've done for others"
@yourgirlkath / Via Twitter: @yourgirlkath

Long-time Too Good To Go users were disappointed that they had yet to win the cheese lottery.

a screenshot of a tweet that reads "189 bags in and i'm still yet to hit a jackpot like this. one day gary, one day"
@GarySymons / Too Good To Go / Via Twitter: @GarySymons

Even Too Good To Go joined in with some cheese puns, noting the positive spin on a truly absurd situation.

@TooGoodToGo / Via Twitter: @TooGoodToGo

As an added bonus, Too Good To Go also shared a newsletter a couple of days after CheeseGate, which provided a recipe for mac 'n' cheese. "If you have ended up with more cheese in the fridge than room in your stomach, don't let it go to waste — you can use that very cheese to meal prep a freezer-friendly mac 'n' cheese," it reads.

a screenshot of too good to go's newsletter

There was also a short and sweet response from Aldi UK.

a screenshot of a tweet from aldi uk that reads "2024 is cancelled, blair won"
@AldiUK / Via Twitter: @AldiUK

However, Blair wasn't alone in his experience. After seeing his cheese haul, others began sharing the Aldi Surprise Bags that indeed surprised them. Like @HolliePlus, who received 14 sandwiches from the grocer.

a tweet that reads "reminds me of the time i got 14 sandwiches" with a photo of 14 aldi prepacked sandwiches lined up on a counter top
@HolliePlus / Via Twitter: @HolliePlus

Or @tivnne's 36 sausage rolls and lots and lots of bread.

a tweet that reads "36 sausage rolls, 12 burger buns, 18 sandwich thins" with an attached photo
@tivnne / Via Twitter: @tivnne

The sausage roll surplus also found its way into @_rachaeldevine's bag, where she received "no less than 63."

@_rachaeldevine / Via Twitter: @_rachaeldevine

When reached out to for comment on Aldi's Surprise Bags, Too Good To Go told BuzzFeed, "While we don't mandate what our food selling partners put into their bags, we do give a recommendation that the value is approximately 50% to1/3 off the retail cost. When reserving in the app, the consumer is able to see the original value, though there are times wherein the value of what they pick up exceeds this amount if the partner has additional surplus."

According to the company, their partners are trained when they're onboarded, and they would much rather see the surplus in the hands of a customer than thrown away.

This isn't to say that Aldi's Surprise Bags always look like this. Many users post their seemingly normal hauls on TikTok and Twitter, praising what a good deal it can be for only ÂŁ3.30.

@ItsSteph_x / Via Twitter: @ItsSteph_x

And some people take it very seriously.

@urdelicatepov / Via Twitter: @urdelicatepov

Which isn't too dissimilar to the Eataly Surprise Bags that are highly coveted in NYC (although on the pricier end at $7.99).

a variety of item from an eataly surprise bag

Well, congrats to Blair for winning 2024. The rest of us can only dream to start the year off with 36 blocks of cheese.

BuzzFeed has also reached out to Aldi UK for comment but did not hear back before this post was published. We'll keep you updated if we do.