Unlocking the Angel Number 444

Unlocking the Angel Number 444

For those that practice numerology, numbers possess a deep significance, each resonating with a different aspect of one’s life journey. And when numbers appear as repeating angel numbers—like on a clock, a license plate, or a road sign—it’s thought that they can offer additional guidance and insights. Below, uncover the meaning of the number four in numerology and how to interpret the angel number 444 when it pops up in your life.

What Is Numerology?

Numerology is the ancient practice of interpreting the spiritual significance and meaning of numbers. The system referenced below is Pythagorean numerology, founded by the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. (His Pythagorean theorem of geometry might ring a bell.) On a practical level, while in astrology, you’d calculate your birth chart using your date, time, and location of birth, in numerology, your chart can be created from your name as it appears on your birth certificate, your current first and last name, and your date of birth.

Numerologist Felicia Bender compares the practice to Morse code. “To the untrained, hearing the dots and dashes of Morse code seems like random or garbled sounds,” Bender says. “Yet to those trained in the language of Morse code, the dots and dashes communicate very specific information. You just have to know the language to understand it.”

a collage of 4 4 and a dice on the number 4
Getty + Design Leah Romero

The Significance of the Number 4

The number four in numerology symbolizes stability, security, long-term goals, and the creation of solid foundations. “It carries a no-nonsense, practical mentality focused on ‘just the facts.’ The number four is often seen as a purveyor of knowledge, with a strong teaching aspect to it,” Bender explains.

Bender emphasizes that the number four is known as the architect number due to its inherent ability to bring structure into any situation. “Visually, if you turn the number four upside down, it resembles a chair or a box,” she notes. “This visual representation underscores its grounding and organized energy. The fours are in it for the long haul, always working step by step towards clearly defined goals.”

However, the journey with the number four is not without its challenges. Bender highlights the limitations that often accompany this number. “When the four appears, it signals the need to get serious and methodical, avoiding any shortcuts,” she says. “It’s all about seeking accomplishment, doing the job well and right, and earning the respect that comes with such achievement.”

Unlocking the Angel Number 444

Some consider angel numbers as messages from the universe or spirit guides—and in turn, they can carry profound importance. When it comes to recognizing angel numbers, Bender believes there’s never a “random” number sequence. “If you’re noticing it and feel a sense that this has some significant meaning for you, then it is definitely an angel number,” she explains. Bender adds that many people, even those skeptical of numerology, often seek her guidance after repeatedly encountering specific number sequences. “It’s my experience that when this happens, it’s a strong message from your spiritual guides doing their best to get your attention.”

For the angel number 444, the most vital message is this: Be prepared for success. It’s not just about getting something that you wanted. It’s about being ready for what comes after that success, so it doesn’t destroy you—and so you can make the most out of said success. Bender goes on to note that we see 444 when our lives feel out of control and chaotic, when nothing seems to be going right, and no matter what you put your focus on, it somehow blows up or goes sideways. The 444 reminds us that it’s up to us to bring order to chaos, to bring structure to the formless, and to set secure foundations rather than building something on a pile of shifting sand.

One of Bender’s clients, for example, was ready to give up on her dream of publishing a book after numerous rejections. Then, she started seeing 444 everywhere. After discussing the possible message with Bender, she recommitted to her goal, did extensive research on self-publishing, and was preparing to launch her book independently. Just before finalizing her plans, she received an unexpected offer from a publisher she had contacted months earlier. The book was published, became a bestseller, and she secured a contract for a second book. She credited the angel number 444 for renewing her faith and determination.

In short, Bender goes on to state that when the number four shows up with any other number, its message is that you must not stop now. Whatever it is you’ve been working on—whether it’s a relationship, a project, or getting that new job—is close to manifestation. Don’t abandon it, don’t get frustrated, and don’t lose hope. It takes time for desires to materialize and when the four presents itself, it’s reminding you that you have the utmost support from your spiritual team, however you define them. It’s a reminder to communicate with them, ask for what you want, and then follow up with action.

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