Victoria Beckham Sported a Very Un-Victoria Look to Promote Her Super Bowl Ad

Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Getty Images

Now, there’s something you don't see every day. I’m talking, of course, about Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice herself, wearing an oversized T-shirt and jeans. Don’t worry, the world hasn’t turned upside down, and this doesn't appear to be a permanent style change. Beckham is just that committed to the bit.

Beckham’s white tee, which reads, “My dad has a Rolls-Royce” in all caps, is meant to spoof her and David Beckham’s viral “be honest” moment from the Beckham documentary on Netflix. Victoria Beckham first launched the slogan tees back in November as a good-natured way of poking fun at herself.

In the docu-series clip, Victoria Beckham is earnestly telling the cameras about her “working class” background when David pokes his head in, admonishing her to “be honest.” Eventually Victoria admits that her dad sometimes drove her to school in his Rolls-Royce when she was a kid.

In this clip, a teaser for the Beckhams’ upcoming Super Bowl commercial for Uber Eats, the couple pokes fun at themselves by recreating the moment from the documentary. In the teaser ad, Victoria says she and David are going to be in a “little commercial.” David can then be heard saying, “Be honest!” off camera. So Victoria admits it’s not a little commercial, it’s a big commercial. Then the two of them jokingly try to remember what the Super Bowl is. “Super Big Baseball Game?” “Hockey Bowl?” The spot ends with the couple confidently telling audiences about “Jessica Aniston.”

You know what they say. The couple that trolls themselves together stays together.

Originally Appeared on Glamour