Watch Gwyneth Paltrow Discover She Starred in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' While Zesting an Orange

Blond, Event,
Watch Gwyneth Paltrow Learn She Was in Spider-ManNetflix

According to IMDB, Gwyneth Paltrow has 56 acting credits dating all the way back to a 1989 TV movie called High. These films range from the likes of Shakespeare in Love, for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress, to Mortdecai, the 2015 disaster for which she was nominated for the Worst Actress Razzie Award. Who can keep track of it all!?

What with her whole Goop thing going on and everything else, Gwyneth Paltrow certainly shouldn't be responsible for remembering every single little film she's been in. She's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, Paltrow can pay someone to remember her filmography for her.

So, it's hard to blame her when, in a new episode of Netflix's Chef Show, Paltrow learns for the first time that she was in a little movie called Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Host John Favreau explains that he came up with the idea for Chef Show while they were on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

"We weren't in Spider-Man," Paltrow says, confused.

Favreau says they were.

"No," she says while zesting an orange. "I was in Avengers."

Favreau says they were in a scene at the end of Homecoming where Pepper Pots hosts a press conference with Tom Holland.

"That was Spider-Man?" she says, looking quite happy to learn this news.

To be fair, Paltrow has been in seven Marvel movies since 2008. And considering how shrouded in secrecy these Marvel movies are, they probably didn't even bother to tell her which movie she was acting in when she was filming it.

And anyway, to reiterate, Paltrow is very rich and very busy with this Goop thing, so she probably doesn't have time to watch superhero movies.

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