Watch this random act of kindness as a Good Samaritan helps a stray dog across the street
A motorcyclist became a guardian angel when he spotted a wandering dog trying to cross a busy street in Bangkok, Thailand.
City traffic can be hard to negotiate for people, but it’s a dangerous nightmare for a wandering dog! What’s more, traffic in the Thailand capital, Bangkok, can be notoriously unrelenting! So, when a stranger spotted a lone dog trying to cross a busy road, he stopped to offer a helping hand.
Watch the video above to see a man's random act of kindness toward a stray dog.
Having parked his motorcycle, the man waited with the patient pooch at his side for a gap in the traffic. Then, when the road momentarily cleared, he guided the dog to safety.
Take a moment to watch these other random acts of kindness captured on camera!
During Random Acts of Kindness Week, starting on February 14, we celebrate the many good deeds that help make the world a better place. The phrase 'practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty' was coined in 1982 by magazine writer and editor Anne Herbert.
Thirteen years later, her words inspired the creation of Random Acts of Kindness Week by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, encouraging people to be kind and pay it forward.
There are many ways to participate in Random Acts of Kindness Week, from big gestures like donating blood to simpler acts like paying for a stranger’s coffee or walking a friend’s dog.
Whatever you do, the goal is to make kindness the norm for the week and beyond, because we all benefit when kindness and generosity become a way of life. You can share your own acts of kindness with us on social media using the hashtag #RandomActsofHumankind.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Stranger helps stray dog cross the street in a random act of kindness