Weekly Horoscope: August 11 - August 17

Jennifer Dahbura

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The weekly horoscope ahead brings trouble our way if we aren't careful. Be cautious in how emotions and gossip impact the way we confront and react to others because we might stir up drama that could cause major rifts in relationships. Think about whether or not the information we hear is true or important before sharing it and creating a mountain out of a molehill.

<h1 class="title">Leo Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Leo Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

Some friendships in your life are hitting their expiration date this week. You're beginning to dip out in communication with all the people who aren't helping you achieve your highest essence and state of being. Although you may feel guilty at first, keep in mind that you're detoxing the group to refine and define who you want to spend your energy on during the remaining days of summer. Remember that people who you're disconnecting with are not gone forever, you are just putting temporary ice on the relationships until they've shown that they've grown and leveled up their vibe.

<h1 class="title">Virgo illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Virgo illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Although Mercury’s planetary moonwalk is bringing drama to your life, you don’t have to engage in the messiness. In fact, it is advisable for you to hide away from any confrontation, as a minor issue could escalate into a major argument. The only power you have when others project their insecurities and problems onto you is to stop responding. Often, not having the last word is more potent and mighty than spending hours hexting on your phone. Set emotional limits so your peers and family learn to respect the boundary you are creating and do not push back on them.

<h1 class="title">Libra illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Libra illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

It's OK to get wrapped up in the past. We all do it occasionally. However, that doesn't mean you should let it consume you and let former situationships define how you act in the current one. Think about how you're behaving toward your current partner or crush. Hopefully, you’ll come to realize that you need to shape up the way you treat them because they're putting in their best efforts to make the relationship work, while you're lost in a moment that doesn't exist anymore with someone who you've parted ways. Be mindful of the present circumstances in your ‘ship.

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Scorpio illustration

Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

Protecting your energy doesn't mean building walls around your heart and never letting anyone in. In order to let people see how amazing you are, it is vital to show your softer side and allow them to see that you are vulnerable, too, just like everyone else. The more open you are to allowing new friends into your world, the easier it will be for you to feel comforted, loved, and as though you're not alone. It takes a village, and you are finally ready to join and be a part of it.

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<h1 class="title">Sagittarius illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Sagittarius illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

If you want to rumble and start a fight with someone, it might be best to stay in your lane. You’re feeling like people are against you because they do not agree with your perspectives. Once you get on your soapbox and sling the arrows, it's hard for you to come down. Listen before misunderstandings get in the way of your friendships. You don't have to push your views on others. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. You attract more bees with honey, which is why it's advisable to be kind in an attempt to sway their views.

<h1 class="title">Capricorn illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Capricorn illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

If you’ve been craving a local low-key adventure that doesn’t break the bank or keep you away from responsibilities, now is the time for it. Grab your bathing suit, camera, sunblock, and besties for a day that no one will forget. Plan a day by the beach, water park, or pool. Have fun splashing around and find a space that you can relax at as the sun sets. Surprise everyone with S’mores and more. Tell real ghost stories and share secrets under the stars to bond. Your crew is looking to you to organize, so make it happen.

<h1 class="title">Aquarius Illo</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aquarius Illo

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

This week takes a sensitive tug on your heart and makes you emotional. You're becoming very sentimental when scrolling through photos of exes on your phone, making you to want to reach out to them and reconnect. Don't overthink it and do what feels right in the moment. Instead of reminiscing when they cross your mind, take action by sending a text or DM and let them know that you're thinking about them. Be ready to fall back in love with them and do the time warp again. You never know, it could be different this time around.

<h1 class="title">Pisces illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Pisces illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

Stop worrying and start living, Pisces! There are always going to be a million reasons not to do something and a million more as to why you should. As an intuitive person, it’s up to you to find a way of thinking that works for you. Facing your fears isn't a bad thing because it'll allow you to see that you're stronger and wiser than you thought. But knowing when true danger is near can be a lifesaver. Learn how to engage outside your comfort zone; also, how to protect yourself from situations that bring chills up your spine.

<h1 class="title">Aries illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aries illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

Everyone makes mistakes, so you shouldn't feel as though you're totally in the wrong when you do. The world is an imperfect place and allows for issues and miscommunications to occur. The only thing that matters is how you choose to deal with these situations. Owning an error in judgment might be hard for you to do because you live in your ego. However, if you take a step back and realize that an apology is worth its weight in gold when dealing with people you care about, then you'll be able to remedy matters in a short period of time.

<h1 class="title">Taurus illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Taurus illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

They say that all’s fair in love and war, but it doesn’t feel that way. Not wanting to be the heartbreaker in relationships and friendships is keeping you stuck in situations that need to change or end. Standing your ground and sticking up for yourself does not make you a villain — even though your counterparts might make shady remarks implying that. Expressing yourself can move matters along and start transforming dynamics. If they are not willing to meet you halfway, then it might be time to let go of the connection and focus on what makes you happy.

<h1 class="title">Gemini Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Gemini Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

This is your cosmic pep talk, Gemini. Lately, your confidence isn't as high as it normally is, resulting in feelings of uncertainty. You don't know what’s up or down and if you're making the right decisions. It can be hard to believe in your choices when you're not receiving support from close friends. Look inside yourself to realize that you are special with or without people cheering you on. Once you acknowledge your fabulousness, anything will feel possible — especially the faith you have in yourself. With that in mind, you can slay the day! You're all that and more!

<h1 class="title">Cancer illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Cancer illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

Give yourself a time-out this week. You need a moment away from the scene to focus and reconnect with yourself. All the pressures you’ve been dealing with as you prepare for a new semester are taking a toll. Not knowing where your summertime romance is going and stressing about classes is giving you anxiety. Being alone with your thoughts will help you find what you want and be aware of what you need. You can figure matters out by listening to your heart and meditating on how to DTR. An introspective vision quest is the best way to move forward.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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