Weekly Horoscope: December 29 - January 4

Jennifer Dahbura

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The last new moon of 2024 occurs on December 30 in Capricorn, giving us one more chance to manifest our goals in this weekly horoscope before heading into 2025. Action planet Mars’ retrograde in Leo creates an opposition to evocative Pluto in Aquarius on January 3, igniting power struggles that we have yet to relinquish. Rather than argue, agree to disagree and squash the beef. Don’t carry old drama into 2025. Use it as a time to start fresh. New year, new you!

On a personal note, thank you for letting me offer you cosmic insights this year. It’s a pleasure, as always. Looking forward to the future!

<h1 class="title">Capricorn illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Capricorn illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

You're the comeback kid of 2025! Owning and moving on from the setbacks you experienced in the past months is key to having a successful year. It is essential to let go of the residual sentiments and experiences holding you back from soaring and moving forward. In order to switch directions, you must detox your aura and surround yourself with positivity. Through introspection, you will be able to think about how to make improvements, and imposing them IRL will help elevate your status. Now, the most essential part is to trust your judgments and persevere. You’re becoming a superstar!

<h1 class="title">Aquarius Illo</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aquarius Illo

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

Doom scrolling on social media will lead you towards the page of an ex you'd like to forget. Your rationale for creeping is that you might as well take a peek because you “accidentally” stumbled upon it. That is where the trouble begins. Going down the rabbit hole and gazing at their posts might trigger feelings of jealousy, leading you to slide into their DMs. Before you send the message, ask yourself if it’s worth the satisfaction they'll get from knowing you still care. Probably not. Block immediately and find a new crush that is seemingly more pleasant and remarkable.

<h1 class="title">Pisces illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Pisces illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

Downloading in progress…2.0 version of yourself is activated. As you start the new year, let all your qualities sparkle and be seen. FYI: This means not keeping your theories, thoughts, and emotions under wraps. People are longing to hear your voice and opinion on matters. If anyone has a problem, they’ll have to keep it to themselves because you're not letting anyone cloud your light. Your presence may make them insecure, but that isn't your issue. No one should ever hinder your radiance. You can't help it — you're fabulous and stronger than ever.

<h1 class="title">Aries illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aries illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

Lately, you're the only one in the group chat who brings the swag and humor; however, you feel immense pressure to motivate and inspire your pals to share their woes and wins. Take a step away from the interactive communication and plan an evening to connect IRL. Human contact will invigorate everyone to be more chatty going forward because they'll forge a closeness that’s been missing. Also, you might want to quit the penetrating questions and meme-sending. Replace it with anecdotes from the day and randomness that you find funny. Lightness and levity is key.

<h1 class="title">Taurus illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Taurus illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

The new year is coming in hot for you, Taurus. You might find that people are pushing you in different directions to get your emotions high and blood boiling. The solution is to ignore everyone's advice and do what makes you feel good. In the end, the only thing that matters is how you think, and if people are going to bully you into acting a certain way, then they’re not worth the trouble and energy. It’s essential for you to only do what speaks to your spirit, which is why it’s advisable to put the haters on ice.

<h1 class="title">Gemini Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Gemini Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

Maintaining an open dialogue with your friends is essential to keep the communication moving forward. Confusion could spark minor arguments if you aren't precise with your words or feelings. Since you aren't one to play when your temper reaches a boiling point, consider chilling out before firing back to the texts. Then, you won't bring the theatrics to the table by reacting in a way that upsets others. Count backward from 10 and take a few beats before dealing with your squad to have a calm rapport when you’re in the mood.

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<h1 class="title">Cancer illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Cancer illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

Words of wisdom: You can't hurry, love! Even though you are yearning for a commitment to happen now, you might have to give the relationship more time to grow to get the desired results. You can’t pressure yourself to be faithful in the talking stages or push someone into being your significant other when first getting to know each other, so enjoy the beginning phase when everyone longs for a flirty and sweet conversation. This is the best path of any romantic story: lean into the present.

<h1 class="title">Leo Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Leo Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

Start off the year with compassion, acceptance, and affection for your peers. You should never put a rush order on making people jump at your every whim. Surely some of us want to be the most popular person who rules the hallways at school; however, you shouldn't use it to get others to do your bidding. If you want to lead, represent yourself as a graceful and kind person aiming to boost people up. Not only will your stock heighten, but the student body will also applaud you for bringing everyone together and using your fame for a good reason.

<h1 class="title">Virgo illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Virgo illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Finally, your endless scrolling on the FYP could lead to some juicy gossip. Before you share the information you found, make sure that it's coming from a valid source. If it's a repost, then you should look into where it came from to verify the tea. Keep the friends that you send it to in check by making sure they remain mum on your involvement. After all, loose sink ships, and you don't want them to blow your cover right now.

<h1 class="title">Libra illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Libra illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

It's important to take a stand to ensure no one comes between you and a good time. Even if you’re being pushed and pulled in two different directions by your crew, allow yourself the autonomy to do what makes you happy — understand that it might be different from what your besties like. You shouldn’t dim your light in an effort to adhere to the status quo. Embrace your individuality and go to the modern art exhibit or analyze classic movies on a subreddit.

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Scorpio illustration

Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

Vibe check: try to keep it soft and sensitive. You're opting to let your inner spirit show and glow up as 2025 commences. While that means being more empathetic than last year, it’s the right way for you to kick off January. 99.9% of the time, you put other people before your own needs. Ensure you’re giving yourself enough love before opening up your heart and energy to others. Reverse that sentiment and praise your awesomeness daily. You are the most important person and friend in your life — never forget it! So, be gentle with the way you speak to yourself.

<h1 class="title">Sagittarius illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Sagittarius illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

People don't change when told to, so don’t expect them to switch gears and attitudes due to an ultimatum. They must evolve on their own time. You’ll see that it is best to let those you care about learn the hard way. Even though you want to protect them, you shouldn't hinder people from growing and blossoming when they're ready — which translates to letting them comprehend matters. They'll understand the importance of gaining knowledge from their mistakes by not pushing them to remold and reshape their perspectives and lives. Be a pal; stop parroting and enabling bad behavior.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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