Weekly Horoscope: July 28 - August 3

Jennifer Dahbura

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PSA: Mercury retrograde commences next week, so we should use this weekly horoscope to our advantage. Use this week as a chance to heal and make amends with others. You never know the good that can come from forgiving and apologizing, so we should take the time to offer TLC to others. If you don’t want to start a conversation, send them energetic, good vibes.

<h1 class="title">Leo Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Leo Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

Although you are an active student of life, you're beginning to realize that all of your past experiences have led you to become a teacher to those in need of your guidance. This week, you’re imparting all of the wisdom you've gained by helping those you care about evolve and grow into the best versions of themselves. You’re giving them an education of how they can succeed and be a baller like you. You might feel as though you're not transforming at the same pace as them, but that doesn't mean that you won't. Be patient with your own progress.

<h1 class="title">Virgo illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Virgo illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Some of your relationships are heating up, but that doesn't mean they're fulfilling. This could lead you to seek adoration and attention elsewhere because you are yearning for a relationship that speaks to you on the soulful level. Even though the people you’re with are good on paper, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the feeling can transcend when you’re one-on-one. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or want. Doing so will bring along the right peeps, who are on the same wavelength and share interests with you. Have faith in the universe and your wishes will be fulfilled.

<h1 class="title">Libra illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Libra illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

Being sympathetic to the underdog in an argument could cause tension in your peer group. You always give TLC to those who can't fight their own battles or need help because you like to be the hero. Your sympathetic and compassionate nature will create tensions between you and your squad this week, since you want to defend the person they have problems with. Keep in mind that this could manifest in you having to withdraw from the social scene for a few days; however, your besties will come around and understand where they were wrong and try to be kinder.

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Scorpio illustration

Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

If you’re feeling extra sensitive to your immediate environment, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and switch up the vibes. Before you opt to cleanse your dwelling by spraying lavender mist and burning incense to decompress and chill, you’ll find that rearranging some furniture helps in getting your energy back in gear. A simple move of your bed to another place in your room and adjusting your location could bring peace and harmony. Then, if you're still off-balanced, you can continue with your mystical ways of detoxing your room in an effort to bring in lighthearted sentiments.

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<h1 class="title">Sagittarius illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Sagittarius illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

In the upcoming days, it’s important to dance like no one's watching and live your best life. Everyone will always have some critique of what you're doing, which can sometimes be frustrating (especially when it comes to the unsolicited opinions of others). Instead of reacting to their comments, you must embrace your individuality and not care what they think. Regardless of their opinion, you are your fantastic person, so do your own thing, be the real you, and ignore the haters. Odds are they will have something new to obsess over soon, which will bring good vibes your way.

<h1 class="title">Capricorn illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Capricorn illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

Knock, knock! Your destiny is calling and it’s urging you to level up at your summer internship. With only a couple of weeks left at your gig, you are finding that it’s imperative to put your best foot forward in order to get a recommendation letter. Before you start burning the midnight oil, remember that you did an excellent job and they know how much you hustled. Your fate of getting a glowing review will happen, so just enjoy the company of the colleagues you’ve met, and let them treat you to a celebratory lunch on their corporate credit card.

<h1 class="title">Aquarius Illo</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aquarius Illo

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

Playing games is fun, but not when your crush is doing it with your heart. Their hot and cold attitude is confusing your emotions. One day, they're in; the next, they're out. Being that you have a tempered nature, their actions are causing havoc in your life. Not knowing where you stand isn't comforting. All the more reason why you should consider whether this is the right relationship for you. Try talking with them to explain how you feel. If they make an effort to be more considerate of your emotions, then that is a positive sign for the future.

<h1 class="title">Pisces illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Pisces illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

Now that you've made extra cash this summer, it’s crucial for you to save it as your nestegg. Although it'll be tempting not to spend it on a fierce pair of sneakers, you know deep down that it's best kept in an account where you can't touch the money. Yes, disappointment and not making the purchase will bring you remorse, but you'll be glad you didn't go for them when the opportunity to go away for fall break comes your way. The experience and adventure with your friends will prove to be worth more than the shoes (not just financially).

<h1 class="title">Aries illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aries illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

The Olympics are heightening your competitive spirit. Before running off and challenging your squad to obstacle courses or a triathlon, you might want to start with a fun activity that everyone can enjoy — like a bakeoff or seeing who can make the best Summerween decorations. In cases like this, there is no first, second, or third prize (so you won't have a fit if you take home the silver medal); everyone can participate, create memories, and share laughs. Plus, there's no pressure, and the vibes will be great. You will get gold for having an inclusive event for everyone.

<h1 class="title">Taurus illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Taurus illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

Uh-oh, a love triangle is forming! The truth is you started double dipping months ago without the intention of a new friendship evolving into something more. The extra attention you’ve been getting has made you feel more confident and awesome. But it does not mean you caught feelings. Now that your significant other is ready to go the extra mile to make the relationship work, you must be honest with the third party before leading them on. Knowing about the current situation and letting them go with gentleness is the best thing to do. Don’t keep them hanging on.

<h1 class="title">Gemini Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Gemini Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

It takes a lot of effort by others for you to lose your cool but when you do, everyone who’s hurt you feels the wrath. This week, you are taking a different approach to expressing yourself. Rather than stirring the pot and confronting matters, you're opting to walk away from the drama. Participating in the messiness isn't your speed, when you can sit by the pool and decompress with your friends. In times like these, not having the last word IS having the last word. There is no need to be bothered.

<h1 class="title">Cancer illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Cancer illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

IKYK. This time of the year is when you glow-up and transform into the social swan that you are. However, you’re not wanting to go out with your crew and opting to spend QT with your brood. Before you overshare tea about your BFFs with the fam, remember that they’ll hold onto that information and use it against your besties in the future. Maintaining boundaries might be hard this week, but it’s vital to keep limits and to not cross the line. It will backfire in unexpected and surprising ways that could affect all of your relationships in the future.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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