Weekly Horoscope: July 7-July 13, Unlock Your Intuition as Neptune Retrogrades

See what this weekly horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign the week that Neptune retrograde begins

<p>Getty</p> Weekly Horoscope, Cancer Sign, Post Malone


Weekly Horoscope, Cancer Sign, Post Malone

A slower, more reflective pace is beginning to take hold — and we will be in this slower frequency until nearly May 2025! This is because so many planets in our celestial sea will be soaring backward.

While many people may think the word “retrograde” means major drama or challenges, this isn’t entirely the case. Retrogrades give us an opportunity to resurrect or reunite with projects, plans, people and pieces of ourselves from the past.

Sometimes we desire to race onto our next adventure so quickly that we forget to appreciate our past. It is always here to teach us important lessons. Neptune retrograde becomes even more prominent this week, so tap into your intuition and any hunches that pop up for you.

July 8 brings great opportunities to our personal lives, while July 10 could bring more success depending on how hard we’ve been working. July 11 is magical for romance. Beware, though, of power struggles on July 12.

Read on for your weekly horoscope!

Related: Your Horoscope for July: Embrace Self-Expression

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


Your intuition is increasing even more like a superpower this week, Aries. You could notice that you’re especially reflective of the past.

Messages, synchronicities and dreams could be echoing like you’re deep in a cavern but can see the distant light at the end of the tunnel. Now is a perfect time to unlock your spiritual and X-ray vision and let it guide you. The universe whispers, so listen closely!

On a different note, you may even feel as if you are being guided by an ancestor or guardian angel at this time. Trust the flow and surrender to the universe and you could find beauty and meaning in nearly everything.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


For quite some time,  Taurus, you’ve been attracting friends and acquaintances who possess a deep soul connection with you.

They have also been teaching you more about what your spirit, heart and mind need at the deepest of levels. Some of these individuals could have been especially fascinating — creative, enchanting and perhaps even mystical — or rather, charlatans who used you and gaslit you.

Suddenly, with the week ahead, you could find that you hear from someone from the past or are particularly reflective about specific lessons someone significantly taught you. Do some soul-searching about all of it now.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


Over the last few years, Gemini, you’ve been experiencing an ebb and flow in your career or in regard to your ambitions.

In fact, many of you have sought to pursue more creative, mystical or emotionally fulfilling professions during this time. Some of you, meanwhile, may have found that your old ambitions have been shifting and changing like the never-ending tides of the sea.

Now is a period to do some deep inner reflection and work on how you can not only reach higher in your career but leave a meaningful impact on people and the world. If you do so, you could find even deeper levels of joy and fulfillment.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


You’ve hungered for new horizons in many areas of your life in recent years, Cancer. It’s as if you’ve been swimming beneath the depths of the ocean and your soul has been sending out and hearing echolocation within the watery darkness.

The key to getting where you want? Understand that you must be a sojourner and hunger for new perspectives and seeds of truth about the meaning of life and your purpose here on Earth. If you do so, you could truly be more inspired, happy and aligned with the universe.

Seek spiritual answers whenever possible. They could hold more meaning than you ever expected.

Related: It's Cancer Season! Your Guide to the Zodiac Sign, Astrology and Horoscopes

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)


Over the past few years,  Leo, you’ve been experiencing a greater need for spiritual connection and healing when it comes to intimacy and trust.

This is especially true now as you’ve had some important life lessons to face around vulnerability, union, sexuality or even combined assets. While you always tend to have a sensual side, you’re especially focused on giving and receiving TLC in a way that is soft, open, compassionate and honest.

This week, reflect on how your needs have or have not been fulfilled. If you have a significant partner, consider having a heart-to-heart about what you’ve realized.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)


In the past few years, Virgo, you’ve experienced some very unique and important life lessons around your partnerships in love or business. You might have noticed that your significant other has been more nebulous, sensitive or philosophical over this time.

For those still seeking a partner, you could be attracting people on opposite sides of the spectrum. On one hand, it could be someone who is romantic, spiritual, creative or especially unique. On the other, it could be people who are like chameleons: deceptive or even delusional.

Now is an important period to truly reflect on what you’ve learned and find ways of communicating your truth in sensitive and direct ways.

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Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)


When it comes to your routines, employment or even physical health, Libra, something has been a bit nebulous or confusing in recent years. For instance, you may have noticed that trying to lock down a regular work and life balance has been fluctuating and changing like the tides.

It could be that your responsibilities at work or relationships with clients and coworkers have shifted. It could also be that some sort of ailment or situation around diet, strength or fatigue has been haunting you.

The key to fixing all of this? Review your habits, plans and decisions and trace patterns over the past few years. The solution you seek is out there!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)


As much as you crave passion and like to stir the pot here or there,  Scorpio, you’ve been feeling a deep need to unlock even more profound levels of romance in recent years.

Regardless if you are single or attached, you’ve secretly been praying for a soulmate or romantic love that borders on the spiritual. Luckily, for some of you, it’s been easier to attract it — and once you’ve found it, you’ve likely felt forever changed.

However, others — particularly certain singles — may have found that they’re attracting people who are hard to lock down, understand or are lost in a fantasy of their own.

The key to maintaining and attracting the love? Know what you want — but also, what you deserve.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)


In recent years, Sagittarius, there’s been a strange and peculiar confusion surrounding your home, family or domestic life. As much as you’ve hungered for more stability, it’s likely felt that something is always in flux and you just can’t find solid ground.

For instance, you may have noticed that family members — especially your parents — have been requiring more attention, but are also hard to pinpoint as they’re evolving. Instead, it could be related to your residence or home life as if you never know what’s going to pop up next.

Now is a crucial period to really do some soul-searching when it comes to your emotions, intuition, needs and past. Spend some time meditating in solitude.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)


Your daily affairs and routines have been shifting and spinning for quite some time, Capricorn, as if you’re a tropical lily and being pulled suddenly down the current.

As much as you’ve hungered for more stability, you’ve also liked that life has been a bit more spontaneous and potentially even inspiring in recent years. You’ve also likely unlocked a greater degree of creativity, particularly around your ideas and perspectives on life.

Now is a key moment to reflect on your ideas and how you can communicate them more authentically. Consider coloring your communications with more creativity.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)


In recent years, Aquarius, you’ve been feeling like your finances and money matters have been more in flux than you’ve liked. One moment you could feel flush and the next you’re wondering why things have receded like the tide.

Now is a time to seek a more spiritual connection to what you have, own or make. You may even be in the process of downsizing or giving things away if you’ve grown out of them or don’t connect with them anymore.

Charity work and donating money or possessions to those who are in need will bring you a surplus of good karma now.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)


You always have a nearly iridescent aura around you, Pisces, but you possess an even more enchanting and mesmerizing one now. This has been growing more prominent over the past years.

You also always have a deep sense of intuition, recognition of synchronicity and connection with the ebbs and flows of the universe, but you’ve found these skills and experiences to be even more prominent now.

Pay attention to your thoughts and desires and you could manifest many hopes and dreams as if out of thin air — but be conscious of still being realistic, rather than just building castles in the sky.

Kyle Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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