Weekly Horoscope: June 30 - July 6

Jennifer Dahbura

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This weekly horoscope is giving new hope and good vibes. Neptune’s backwards journey in Pisces from July 2 to December 7 is exposing the truth in matters and helping us find meaning in all we do. The same day, Mercury’s entrance into Leo is pushing us to take a stand, be heard, and demand respect. The new moon in Cancer, which occurs on July 5, is serving up hope and positivity. Our dreams will begin to take flight, as well as our belief in ourselves. This is our time to shine.

<h1 class="title">Cancer illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Cancer illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

New moon, who dis? This is a legendary week for you, Cancer. It’s time to flex and show the world how powerful you are. With a new and enlightened attitude, there literally is nothing you cannot achieve. The key to this approach is simple: Do not dwell on the past, instead opting to be extremely present. Also, focus on the great things, people, and opportunities you have. If you’re not smiling yet, then you will under the new moon, which promises to give you the radiance you love and boost your confidence. The cosmos are on your side, so enjoy it.

<h1 class="title">Leo Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Leo Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

You got that rizz that everyone wants to emulate and they do by being in your presence. As long as you’re surrounding yourself with friends and family who are on your team, then you’ll feel as sparkly as the stars in the sky on a clear night. But if you let the haters get the best of you and consume your mind with nonsense, it’ll take an emotional toll on you. Enjoy your sweet life this week. And if people want to rain on your parade, don’t take your claws out, walk away proudly on your catwalk.

<h1 class="title">Virgo illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Virgo illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Text fights with both your ex and current boo is proving to be a lot for you, especially since you have a peaceful demeanor. The reason you’re fighting with them is because they are both projecting their insecurities and emotions onto you. This situation hits different. You are trying to make a change and maintain good relationships with them, but it may be impossible. Put your phone down and disengage from the text drama. Take a walk and embrace the positive summer vibes. You’re better than this and don’t need the negativity in your life. Ain’t that the truth?!

<h1 class="title">Libra illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Libra illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

Sometimes it is easier for you to go along with the crowd and avoid confrontation than it is to speak your mind. It’s not that you don’t have strong opinions, but you’re not a fan of confrontation and ruffling feathers. However, what it’s doing to you on a spiritual level as denying you in having a unique personality. The answer to your problem is to not be an NPC anymore. It’s vital to make your own decisions and not being a follower or doing what everyone else is telling you. The people in your squad and orb will honor your wishes and choices.

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Scorpio illustration

Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

We all know that you're constantly wondering who's going to match your freak — the song was basically written about Scorpios. But it truly is a tough quality to find! If your interest has hobbies that align with yours, that. may be a step toward a perfect match. The caveat is that it might take time to sort through who, in the multitude of peeps in your crew, you can relate to and connect with this summer. When you do discover your new besties, you’ll feel a sense of belonging. Things won’t seem as hard because you’ll have support from people who understand and get you on a soulful and intuitive level. The love and companionship you crave is finding you.

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<h1 class="title">Sagittarius illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Sagittarius illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

One of your many amazing and awesome attributes is that you fully jump into the causes you believe in and you never back down from your soapbox. However, it is crucial to know and understand the ideology of others in order to gain perspective and to work through the differences you may have with others — particularly your besties. Unclutch your pearls for a second and listen to what they are saying. The less you argue back, the easier it will be to find a middle ground. Who knows? You might be able to persuade them to commit to your views.

<h1 class="title">Capricorn illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Capricorn illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

Looks like your summertime fling has been double dipping with you and another. Upon finding out, which you will in the beginning of the week, you should take the high road and move on. Don't snap back and yell, delete their number from your phone and bench them until they apologize. You really do not need the extra drama in your life and shouldn't be with someone who isn't sure of what they want in love. When the other flirtation doesn't work out, they will try to get you back, but you’ll be lusting over someone new who adores you.

<h1 class="title">Aquarius Illo</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aquarius Illo

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

Although you don't consider yourself to be a creature of habit, you’re extremely comfortable in your daily routines and activities. This week, you'd like to to break out of such patterns, which will be great for you — but it might make you feel as though you're a fish out of water because it’s out of the scope of your normal schedule. It'll be challenging to motivate yourself; however, being proactive will allow you to see that this vibe shift is exactly what you need to be more social. Plus, adventure and excitement will be on the horizon as a result.

<h1 class="title">Pisces illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Pisces illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

The only person judging you is you. Stop being hard on yourself and critiquing every action you take. The less pressure you put on your shoulders and more time you spend letting loose without a burden, the better. However, your obligations and responsibilities are adding pressure. Finding a balance in life that works for you is ideal to ensure you don't stress more than you should and be gentle on yourself. Give yourself the kindness, compassion, and tenderness you deserve.

<h1 class="title">Aries illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aries illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

You may feel as if you're running on empty this week. All the more reason why you should work on finding ways to replenish your tank. Ensure you are not letting FOMO consume your schedule and that you're getting enough rest. Although you want to attend every summertime soiree you're invited to after your internship ends, you need to be careful not to burn both ends of the candle during the weekdays. Hang out with your pals when you don't have the burden of waking up early to work. You’ll be in a better mood and able to go with the flow.

<h1 class="title">Taurus illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Taurus illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

Your patience is wearing thin when it comes to love. You’re more than ready to take the relationship you are currently invested in to the next level, but your crush is moving slower than you (and your Bullish sign is known for being swift). Before you argue over matters of the heart, talk about what is happening in your mind. You might find that their baggage from the past is standing in the way of romantic bliss and a happily ever after ‘ship with you. Gaining complete clarity will guide you to understanding their feelings and forging a deeper connection.

<h1 class="title">Gemini Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Gemini Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

Because your world is having an internal and external glow-up, people you thought were trustworthy will try to come at you to steal your thunder and innovative aspirations and goals. Being an OG and trendsetter is hard when your peers want to copy your ideas 24/7. Yes, it is incredibly frustrating, but the answer is simple: don’t share your visions until they’re up and running. You can control the outcome and shift matters to your success if you choose not to spill your tea. The reason is that the competition is fierce. Those who aren’t you want to be you.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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