Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Free Yourself

Your Horoscope for the Week of August 11Hearst Owned

Overview: The words you speak offer the freedom you seek! A powerful conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in communicative Gemini on Wednesday reminds you that your self-talk can bring you to liberation or entrapment. Choose carefully! Another major transit arrives on Sunday when the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo highlights your primary theme of this Mercury Retrograde. Pay close attention to what your experiences are trying to educate you on.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


Communication is key, Aries! Watch your words and use them thoughtfully, especially on Wednesday, when your ruling planet Mars conjoins with Jupiter in Gemini and asks you to consider the power of your language. This Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo is the peak of Mercury Retrograde and it inspires you to step into your creativity in ways that boost your confidence.


Stay centered, Taurus. Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini has you listening to the wisdom and words of your body in new and incredible ways. Check in with your somatic sensation(s) for clues on what to avoid or approach. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo strengthens your emotional intelligence and inspires you to name what you’re feeling in real time for clarity.


You’re brand new, Gemini! A Mars-Jupiter conjunction in your sign on Wednesday—the first since 1989!—offers you an exciting opportunity to begin again. It's time to initiate a desire or dream that speaks to the person you’re becoming. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo reminds you that you’re the zodiac’s chatterbox for a reason, so leverage your communication skills to facilitate understanding and deeper listening.


The past is behind you, Cancer. An opening for closure under Wednesday’s Jupiter-Mars conjunction in Gemini helps you stay open and loving in the present, rather than defending yourself from past pain. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo gives you powerful insight into your financial literacy through a conversation and/or learning opportunities that want to attract more abundance in your life.


Lead your friends, Leo! A passionate conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini motivates you to direct your community to new ways of listening, sense-making, and communicating. Lead through demonstration, not just teaching! This is especially true under Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo, which changes the way you approach mindfulness and word-choice for the better.


What do you want professionally, Virgo? A conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini on Wednesday in your career zone wants you to be very honest with yourself and others about your goals and the small steps you can take to make them happen. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo reconnects you with a spiritual practice like meditation, gratitude, and/or journaling for healing.


The glass is half-full, Libra! Use optimism to your advantage under Wednesday's Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, which helps you see the situation not just more realistically, but with even more solutions for success. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction is a wonderful time to reconnect with friends from your past.


Sex is very mental, Scorpio. Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini helps you understand that the brain is the most important sexual organ. Play with imagination, words, stories, and curiosity in foreplay. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo gives you a breakthrough insight into a career situation. It's time to elevate your confidence and your creative approaches, too.


Find the win/win, Sagittarius! Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini motivates you to negotiate and compromise in powerful ways. Avoid persuasion and prioritize curiosity, accuracy, and understanding. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo takes you on an adventure through the past; there’s a full-circle moment that helps you end a tough pattern and start something new.


Your goals should be smaller, Capricorn. That’s right! Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wants you to set small goals as a strategy because you need to crawl before you can sprint. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction motivates you to take a risk for the sake of trust and intimacy. Risk and trust are very connected, so integrate both for success!


Express yourself, Aquarius! A courageous conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini inspires you to share a substantial truth about yourself on Wednesday. When you reveal and stop concealing who you are, then you will find your power in amazing ways. Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo reminds you that opposites do attract, so what can you learn from differences?


Protection + connection = boundaries, Pisces. You have to communicate what helps you hold protection and connection in relationships under Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini. You can do it! Sunday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo inspires you to prioritize small steps for wellbeing, so commit to a little thing that helps you thrive and follow through with it.

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