What's A Small Hill That You Would Absolutely Die On? I'll Go First
We all have our morals and beliefs. There are hills that we are willing to die on no matter what. However, there are smaller, less extreme hills on which we are eager to die. Call it petty, call it stuck in your old ways, whatever. We carry those very random beliefs for a lifetime.
I want to know from the BuzzFeed Community: What small hill are you completely willing to die on? I'll start:
For example, if you are going to a buffet as a group, get your own food. When did it become a thing to not get your own food at a buffet?
Another one: can we move on from fireworks? What's the upside other than, "Oooh, pretty lights?" The negatives far outweigh the positives.
Perhaps this one will anger some fiction readers: I can't stand first-person POV for fiction. It's enough for me to put a book down. I'd read a journal or diary if I wanted to read "I" so much.
Politics? Petty experiences? Movie opinions? Whatever the small hill is, please comment explaining why you feel the way you do about said subject and why everyone else is wrong. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post! If you prefer to stay anonymous, fill out this Google form.