Why Prince Louis Isn't With Princess Charlotte and Prince George at the Queen's State Funeral

Why Prince Louis Isn't With Princess Charlotte and Prince George at the Queen's State Funeral

While Prince George, 9, and Princess Charlotte, 7, attended their great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral and even participated in the procession with their parents Kate Middleton and Prince William, their youngest brother Prince Louis wasn't with them. Kate and William chose not to have Louis attend for good reason: At age 4, Louis is a little too young for a royal event this solemn. While, as Hello! reported, there is no official rule prohibiting children under a certain age to attend, their parents get to decide whether or not they can handle royal events of this type.

Louis also did not attend the funeral for Prince Philip last year, making his absence today all the more unsurprising.

Photo credit: PHIL NOBLE - Getty Images
Photo credit: PHIL NOBLE - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Kate did speak to Australia's Governor-General David Hurley at a reception this weekend about how Louis was struggling to understand the loss of his great-grandmother. “The younger one is now asking questions like, ‘Do you think we can still play these games when we go to Balmoral,’ and things like that, because she's not going to be there?” Hurley recalled, via Hello!.

Kate also revealed that Louis gave her some words of comfort. While out at Windsor Palace for a walkabout the Saturday following the Queen's death, Kate spoke about how Louis and his brother and sister were coping with the loss of the Queen. "They've all been extraordinary,” she said. “I was really sad when I found out and Louis said, ‘Mummy, don't worry, because now Gan Gan is with great-grandpa.’”

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