Why Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ Marriage Reportedly ‘Crumbled’

Why Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ Marriage Reportedly ‘Crumbled’

Amid Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ divorce proceedings and custody case, sources gave Us Weekly a fuller portrait of what privately caused the two stars’ romance to fall apart. Turns out, it happened about a year ago, they said.

The Jonas Brothers going on tour was a factor. “Sophie didn’t want to always be ‘the Jonas brother’s wife,’” one source said. “She didn’t want to go on tour and do everything together. It’s not her personality, and she wanted to keep their family separate from all the Jonas Brothers hoopla.”

A second source added that Turner felt “overwhelmed” balancing her acting career, raising her two daughters with Jonas, and coping with Jonas’ frequent travels as a musician. “Being a mom on the road is not easy, even when you have unlimited resources,” the source said. “It was just hard for them to settle into a regular routine because of Joe’s career especially.”

There were also other issues, a third source said, hinting that Jonas was a little prone to jealousy. “Sophie says Joe was too controlling,” that source explained. “She also said Joe liked to flirt a little too much while out in public, but then he wouldn’t like it when she would get too close to her male friends. It was clear their marriage was crumbling.”

sophie turner and joe jonas in new york city on november 3, 2022
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas in New York City on Nov. 3, 2022.James Devaney - Getty Images

The misogynistic divorce reports that first came out, where sources associated with Jonas disparaged Turner, did not help the estranged couple’s relationship either. “Sophie was essentially painted as a party animal,” the second source said. “She was shocked and hurt.”

The first source also cleared up TMZ’s mysterious ring camera footage report, saying that the footage Jonas saw that led him to file for divorce was of Turner saying “some not-so-nice things” about him to a friend. “It wasn’t anything more than that, but that was the final straw [for Jonas],” the source said.

Jonas tried to distance himself from all the comments publicly, saying at a Jonas Brothers concert, “If you don’t hear it from these lips, don’t believe it.”

In response to Turner’s first court filing, his rep later said, “Joe has already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie. They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views.”

At this point, Us revealed that Turner and Jonas are only speaking through their lawyers. “Sophie is focused on motherhood, coparenting her girls with Joe and her work projects, in that order,” the third source said. “She didn’t plan on being a single mom, but that’s what’s happening, so she’s making the best of it.”

A fourth source described the couple as dedicated to “the well-being and happiness of their children, so that’s what they’re putting all their effort into.”

Turner and Jonas themselves gave a joint statement about their divorce on September 6, a day after Jonas filed.

They said, “After four wonderful years of marriage we have mutually decided to amicably end our marriage. There are many speculative narratives as to why but, truly this is a united decision and we sincerely hope that everyone can respect our wishes for privacy for us and our children.”

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