Media Mogul nominee: Jamie Oliver

That Jamie Oliver. Will he ever take a break from gallantly attempting to save us from our gluttonous, nutritionally-challenged selves?

This year the British celebrity chef and food activist decided to stick it American fast food giants like MacDonalds, for using a product he called "pink slime" in burgers.

In an episode of his show, Jamie Oliver's Food Revelation, he described how parts of the cow "not fit for human consumption" because of high bacteria content was being processed with a chemical called ammonia hydroxide, which killed the bacteria, converting the meat into "pink slime".

In reaction to Oliver's expose, MacDonald discontinued the use of ammonia hydroxide in its meat products (it's not used at MacDonald's here in Canada, reported the National Post).

All this was back in January, but do you think Oliver rested on his laurels after that? Of course not, in early June he took time out of his surely busy schedule (the man has three children) to write to a nine-year-old Scottish girl who had been taking pictures of her apparently dismal school lunches and posting them on blog.

The reportedly atrocious school lunches that cafeterias serve in the U.K. has been a bit of a pet project for Oliver, and to see a young one taking up his dearest of causes must have warmed his heart.