18 Christmas Tweets About Millennials That Are Funny And Way, Way, Way Too Accurate
Well...the holiday season is officially upon us! And like any millennial, I am reminiscing about Christmases past — and trying not to think about the fact that those were, like, 25-plus years ago. Plus, of course, also dealing with all the headaches of being a grown-ass adult during this time of year.
So I decided to celebrate the season by doing a roundup of funny tweets that truly capture what the Christmas Spirit is for millennials:
Your mother doesn't want some garbage department store Christmas present, she wants grandchildren you God damn millennial.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) December 25, 2019
“wHy ArEn’T MiLlEnNiAlS bUyInG hOmEs?!!?”because i’m too busy ebaying old mcdonald’s xmas ornaments, SHARON pic.twitter.com/Al0DtNP988
— vm ❊ (@tentwentysixpm) November 24, 2021
VM / Via Twitter: @tentwentysixpm
millennials watch a non-muppet adaptation of A Christmas Carol challenge
— Anna Stonebrook (@AnnaStonebrook) December 13, 2022
My new hairbrained theory: Nostalgic feelings for the Muppet Christmas Carol is the defining trait on whether you're Millennial or Gen X.
— Michael Sweeney (@mikesweeney) December 5, 2023
Stop asking millennials what we want for Christmas ~ the answer is financial and emotional stability, thank you.
— Christina Huynh (@christinajhuynh) December 13, 2018
The true tell of the Millennial v. Gen Z/cusp divide lies in one’s knowledge of the Justin Bieber Christmas album
— mele (@melgirm) December 3, 2023
The last time millennials were happy was opening an N64 on Christmas.
— a. Benjamin (@a_benjamin) December 25, 2021
As a true millennial, i’m gonna spend at least 1 xmas day setting up a password manager for my parents 👍
— Eline Muijres ✨ (@ElineMuijres) December 24, 2021
Millennial Xmas Carol🎶 last Christmas I yeet you my heart and the very next dayYou ghosted me, bae🎶
— Discount🍉Emma🍉Stone (@Buffalojilll) December 24, 2018
Millennials will be 90 years old and still be quoting the vine of the person saying merry christmas in increasingly silly ways
— Ari (@orionsfannypack) December 25, 2022
I saved enough for a modest house deposit by not eating avocados all year! Then I blew it on sending Christmas cards to non Millennial relatives, buying a single book of first class stamps.
— Daisy Buchanan (@NotRollergirl) December 10, 2018
My boomer dad complains about Millennials a lot so I got him an avocado toast Christmas ornament 💁🏼♀️ pic.twitter.com/x45xWmvrFT
— Lily Herman (@lkherman) December 25, 2019
Lily Herman / Via Twitter: @lkherman
Feeling very millennial right now considering my Christmas list has three separate dogs I want to get gifts for.
— Michelle (@flamingtortugas) December 3, 2023
I like to claim I'm not a millennial, but last night my wife and I looked into renting a Christmas tree.
— Hortichris (he/they) the kiwi fruit enjoyer (@hortichris) November 20, 2019
being a millennial or gen Z on Christmas means getting and receiving at least 20 texts saying “merry chrysler”
— klaudia (@kaludiasays) December 25, 2019
Millennials don’t get enough credit for not killing Christmas cards.
— Emilee Romano (@MonoChz) December 13, 2022
Baby boomers: Millennials are selfie obsessed narcissists. Also baby boomers: *sends physical Christmas cards detailing successes of entire family with professional photos to everyone they’ve ever met*
— Andy Verderosa (@andyverderosa) December 26, 2017
I know Mariah Carey is the Queen of Christmas But please put some respect on my boy Macaulay Culkin's name. You can't think of Christmas without thinking of Home Alone. pic.twitter.com/zblHRf7vbA
— Millennial In Debt (@millindebt) December 1, 2023
20th Century Fox / Via Twitter: @millindebt